Friday, February 29, 2008
Allah berfirman di dalam Al-Qur’an: “Lain syakartum la aizidannakum wa lainkafartum inna ‘azabi lasyadid” yang bermaksud “sekiranya kamu bersyukur nescaya aku akan menambahkan (nikmat kamu) dan sekiranya kamu kufur (tidak bersyukur), ingatlah sesungguhnya azabku amat dahsyat (pedih)”.
Ayat di atas menuntut kita untuk sentiasa bersyukur dengan apa yang kita perolehi. Allah telah berjanji bahawa sekiranya kita bersyukur, Allah pasti akan melipat gandakan nikmatNya kepada kita. Namun, dalam kebanyakan keadaan, kita sebagai manusia sentiasa berasa tidak cukup dengan apa yang kita ada. Keadaan akan bertambah parah apabila kita suka membandingkan diri kita dengan orang lain yang lebih daripada kita. Hal itulah yang akan menyebabkan hilangnya rasa syukur kita. Tambahan pula apabila iman kita tipis, maka senanglah kita untuk dipengaruhi oleh syaitan.
Contoh yang paling mudah ialah pembayaran bonus tahunan oleh majikan kita. Saya pernah mendengar seseorang berkata, “bonus kalau setakat dua bulan, serupa tak de bonus je”. Ini kerana individu tersebut kebiasaannya mendapat bonus antara tiga hingga lima bulan daripada majikannya setiap tahun. Oleh kerana ada ura-ura mengatakan bonus pada tahun tersebut kemungkinan besarnya dua bulan gaji, maka individu tersebut berasa kecewa. Keadaan ini berlaku kerana kita sentiasa membandingkan apa yang kita ada atau apa yang akan kita perolehi dengan sesuatu yang lebih hebat. Kenapa tidak kita membandingkan diri kita dengan orang yang kurang hebat dari kita? Bukankah dengan cara itu, kita akan terus berasa bersyukur dengan apa yang kita perolehi?
Saya teringat seorang rakan sekerja saya. Saya kagum dengan peribadinya. Dia bukan seorang Muslim, namun rasa berseyukur yang ada di dalam dirinya hebat. Saya sendiripun masih jauh untuk mencapai tahap yang dia berada sekarang. Dia tidak akan senang-senang membeli sekiranya dia tidak begitu memerlukan barang tersebut. Apabila dia memberitahu saya bahawa dia memandu Proton Wira manakala isterinya memandu Perodua Kancil, saya terkejut kerana kebanyakan orang dengan gaji beliau itu, pasti mereka sudah memandu kereta yang berharga ratusan ribu ringgit. Apabila saya bertanya, katanya bagi beliau kereta hanya untuk menghubungkan beliau dari satu tempat ke satu tempat yang lain. Samada beliau memandu Proton Wira atau BMW, beliau masih boleh sampai ke tempat yang hendak dituju.
Berdasarkan kepada apa yang saya tulis di atas berhubung isu perbandingan, adakah kita tidak boleh membandingkan diri kita dengan orang yang lebih hebat daripada kita? Sebenarnya, kita masih boleh membuat perbandingan, cuma perlu kena caranya. Nabi Muhammad s.a.w berkata di dalam hadithnya yang berbunyi, “la hasada illa fithnataini; rajulun aataahullahu malan fasullita ‘ala halakatihi fil haqqi wa rajulun aataahullahul hikmah fahuwa yaqdhibiha wayu’allimuha” yang bermaksud “janganlah kamu berhasad kecuali dalam dua perkara iaitu terhadap lelaki yang diberikan harta oleh Allah dan dia membelanjakannya untuk orang lain dalam perkara yang benar dan lelaki yang diberikan ilmu oleh Allah dan dia mengamalkan untuk dirinya dan disampaikan kepada orang lain”. Hadith di atas menunjukkan bahawa perbandingan boleh dibuat dengan tujuan mencapai kebaikan dan bukan untuk menunjuk-nunjuk.
Jika dilihat kepada ayat Al-Qur’an di atas, Allah memberi jaminan sekiranya kita bersyukur dengan pemberiannya maka Allah akan menambah nikmatNya kepada kita. Ini janji Allah. Bukan janji manusia yang boleh tidak ditepati. Allah tidak pernah tidak menepati janjiNya. Namun kita sebagai hambaNya yang serba lemah sentiasa diduga dengan pelbagai dugaan. Terpulang kepada diri kita bagaimana kita menghadapi dugaan tersebut. Namun, apa yang malang ialah apabila kita sendiri tidak tahu yang kita sedang diduga.
Bagaimanakah caranya untuk kita bersyukur? Ucapan Alhamdulillah adalah salah satu daripadanya. Namun dengan hanya mengucapkan Alhamdulillah sahaja tidak mencukupi. Ia perlu dituruti dengan perbuatan. Banyak caranya. Antaranya ialah dengan membayar zakat, memberi sedekah, membantu orang lain yang kurang hebat berbanding diri kita. Itu adalah antara cara-cara kita menunjukkan rasa bersyukur kita kepada Allah.
Dalam ayat yang sama juga Allah mengingatkan kita untuk akibatnya jika kita kufur dan tidak bersyukur. Azab yang menanti kita pastinya amat pedih. Ini juga janji Allah yang pasti akan ditepatiNya. Sama-samalah kita fikirkannya.
Wallahu ‘alam…
Ayat di atas menuntut kita untuk sentiasa bersyukur dengan apa yang kita perolehi. Allah telah berjanji bahawa sekiranya kita bersyukur, Allah pasti akan melipat gandakan nikmatNya kepada kita. Namun, dalam kebanyakan keadaan, kita sebagai manusia sentiasa berasa tidak cukup dengan apa yang kita ada. Keadaan akan bertambah parah apabila kita suka membandingkan diri kita dengan orang lain yang lebih daripada kita. Hal itulah yang akan menyebabkan hilangnya rasa syukur kita. Tambahan pula apabila iman kita tipis, maka senanglah kita untuk dipengaruhi oleh syaitan.
Contoh yang paling mudah ialah pembayaran bonus tahunan oleh majikan kita. Saya pernah mendengar seseorang berkata, “bonus kalau setakat dua bulan, serupa tak de bonus je”. Ini kerana individu tersebut kebiasaannya mendapat bonus antara tiga hingga lima bulan daripada majikannya setiap tahun. Oleh kerana ada ura-ura mengatakan bonus pada tahun tersebut kemungkinan besarnya dua bulan gaji, maka individu tersebut berasa kecewa. Keadaan ini berlaku kerana kita sentiasa membandingkan apa yang kita ada atau apa yang akan kita perolehi dengan sesuatu yang lebih hebat. Kenapa tidak kita membandingkan diri kita dengan orang yang kurang hebat dari kita? Bukankah dengan cara itu, kita akan terus berasa bersyukur dengan apa yang kita perolehi?
Saya teringat seorang rakan sekerja saya. Saya kagum dengan peribadinya. Dia bukan seorang Muslim, namun rasa berseyukur yang ada di dalam dirinya hebat. Saya sendiripun masih jauh untuk mencapai tahap yang dia berada sekarang. Dia tidak akan senang-senang membeli sekiranya dia tidak begitu memerlukan barang tersebut. Apabila dia memberitahu saya bahawa dia memandu Proton Wira manakala isterinya memandu Perodua Kancil, saya terkejut kerana kebanyakan orang dengan gaji beliau itu, pasti mereka sudah memandu kereta yang berharga ratusan ribu ringgit. Apabila saya bertanya, katanya bagi beliau kereta hanya untuk menghubungkan beliau dari satu tempat ke satu tempat yang lain. Samada beliau memandu Proton Wira atau BMW, beliau masih boleh sampai ke tempat yang hendak dituju.
Berdasarkan kepada apa yang saya tulis di atas berhubung isu perbandingan, adakah kita tidak boleh membandingkan diri kita dengan orang yang lebih hebat daripada kita? Sebenarnya, kita masih boleh membuat perbandingan, cuma perlu kena caranya. Nabi Muhammad s.a.w berkata di dalam hadithnya yang berbunyi, “la hasada illa fithnataini; rajulun aataahullahu malan fasullita ‘ala halakatihi fil haqqi wa rajulun aataahullahul hikmah fahuwa yaqdhibiha wayu’allimuha” yang bermaksud “janganlah kamu berhasad kecuali dalam dua perkara iaitu terhadap lelaki yang diberikan harta oleh Allah dan dia membelanjakannya untuk orang lain dalam perkara yang benar dan lelaki yang diberikan ilmu oleh Allah dan dia mengamalkan untuk dirinya dan disampaikan kepada orang lain”. Hadith di atas menunjukkan bahawa perbandingan boleh dibuat dengan tujuan mencapai kebaikan dan bukan untuk menunjuk-nunjuk.
Jika dilihat kepada ayat Al-Qur’an di atas, Allah memberi jaminan sekiranya kita bersyukur dengan pemberiannya maka Allah akan menambah nikmatNya kepada kita. Ini janji Allah. Bukan janji manusia yang boleh tidak ditepati. Allah tidak pernah tidak menepati janjiNya. Namun kita sebagai hambaNya yang serba lemah sentiasa diduga dengan pelbagai dugaan. Terpulang kepada diri kita bagaimana kita menghadapi dugaan tersebut. Namun, apa yang malang ialah apabila kita sendiri tidak tahu yang kita sedang diduga.
Bagaimanakah caranya untuk kita bersyukur? Ucapan Alhamdulillah adalah salah satu daripadanya. Namun dengan hanya mengucapkan Alhamdulillah sahaja tidak mencukupi. Ia perlu dituruti dengan perbuatan. Banyak caranya. Antaranya ialah dengan membayar zakat, memberi sedekah, membantu orang lain yang kurang hebat berbanding diri kita. Itu adalah antara cara-cara kita menunjukkan rasa bersyukur kita kepada Allah.
Dalam ayat yang sama juga Allah mengingatkan kita untuk akibatnya jika kita kufur dan tidak bersyukur. Azab yang menanti kita pastinya amat pedih. Ini juga janji Allah yang pasti akan ditepatiNya. Sama-samalah kita fikirkannya.
Wallahu ‘alam…
Thursday, February 28, 2008

More or less, that is how Melaka aerorail will look like. Ooops, for those who are not aware, very soon, Melaka will have this canggih mode of transportation. The end station is at Banda Hilir and Ayer Keroh with 10 stations altogether. Just wondering if the aerorail will pass by my area...hehehe...proud to be Malaccan...
'Adil (Justice)
Allah said in Al-Qur'an: "Fa iza hakamtum bainan nassi an tahkumu bil 'adl" which means "if you punish among the human being, you must punish in fairness/justice".
The above Qur'anic verse is simple and seems to be straightforward but it is not. Allah said punish in fairness/justice. But what is fairness/justice? Justice is to put something in its place. The meaning is wide enough to cover a lot of things from the appointment of ruler/leader to the implementation of Syariah laws. Have we been treated fairly so far by our leaders? At a glance, we may say yes but if we think in depth, we may say otherwise. The laws that should be implemented by a Muslim leader/government is the Syariah laws as demonstrated in the Qur'an and Hadith. More so in our country that claimed to be an Islamic country and alleged that a lot of other Islamic countries are admiring its "Islamic" concept.
However, in Malaysia, what laws are being implemented? Is it Islamic laws? We do not need a genius to figure out that. Even an ordinary citizen of our country knows that we are upholding the law that was introduced by the British and sidelined our own Islamic laws. Funny isn't it? An Islamic Counrty is unable to uphold Islamic laws. This is further proven under Article 4 of our Federal Constitution, which provides that "this Constitution is the supreme law of the Federation and any law passed after Merdeka Day which is inconsistent with this Constitution shall, to the extent of the inconsistency, be void".
In Islam, our utmost guidance is the Qur'an and Hadith. There shall be no other book or laws higher than the divine book, Al-Qur'an. But the said Article 4 stated otherwise. Even if the Syariah laws is inconsistent with the Federal Constitution, the Syariah laws, which is a divine laws that comes from Allah the Almighty shall, to that extent, be void.
After 50 years of independence, we are still following the British laws that was drafted by the Reid Commission. Are we fully independent?
In my humble opinion, our leaders/government, after 50 years of “independence” and run the country on their own, still fail to uphold and put the Islamic laws vis-à-vis Al-Qur’an in its proper place. Have they done justice to us? My answer is absolutely “no”. While our leaders proudly and always tell the people and the whole world that Malaysia is an Islamic country (may be because we are member of OIC), I seriously think that they need to be guided by the following hadith: -
Narrated by Ma’qil:-
The Prophet (pbuh) said, “If any ruler having the authority to rule Muslim subjects dies while he is deceiving them, Allah will forbid paradise for him”.
-rawahul bukhari-
Wallahu ‘alam…
The above Qur'anic verse is simple and seems to be straightforward but it is not. Allah said punish in fairness/justice. But what is fairness/justice? Justice is to put something in its place. The meaning is wide enough to cover a lot of things from the appointment of ruler/leader to the implementation of Syariah laws. Have we been treated fairly so far by our leaders? At a glance, we may say yes but if we think in depth, we may say otherwise. The laws that should be implemented by a Muslim leader/government is the Syariah laws as demonstrated in the Qur'an and Hadith. More so in our country that claimed to be an Islamic country and alleged that a lot of other Islamic countries are admiring its "Islamic" concept.
However, in Malaysia, what laws are being implemented? Is it Islamic laws? We do not need a genius to figure out that. Even an ordinary citizen of our country knows that we are upholding the law that was introduced by the British and sidelined our own Islamic laws. Funny isn't it? An Islamic Counrty is unable to uphold Islamic laws. This is further proven under Article 4 of our Federal Constitution, which provides that "this Constitution is the supreme law of the Federation and any law passed after Merdeka Day which is inconsistent with this Constitution shall, to the extent of the inconsistency, be void".
In Islam, our utmost guidance is the Qur'an and Hadith. There shall be no other book or laws higher than the divine book, Al-Qur'an. But the said Article 4 stated otherwise. Even if the Syariah laws is inconsistent with the Federal Constitution, the Syariah laws, which is a divine laws that comes from Allah the Almighty shall, to that extent, be void.
After 50 years of independence, we are still following the British laws that was drafted by the Reid Commission. Are we fully independent?
In my humble opinion, our leaders/government, after 50 years of “independence” and run the country on their own, still fail to uphold and put the Islamic laws vis-à-vis Al-Qur’an in its proper place. Have they done justice to us? My answer is absolutely “no”. While our leaders proudly and always tell the people and the whole world that Malaysia is an Islamic country (may be because we are member of OIC), I seriously think that they need to be guided by the following hadith: -
Narrated by Ma’qil:-
The Prophet (pbuh) said, “If any ruler having the authority to rule Muslim subjects dies while he is deceiving them, Allah will forbid paradise for him”.
-rawahul bukhari-
Wallahu ‘alam…
Islamic Law,
Wednesday, February 27, 2008
Allah said in Al-Qur’an: “Fankihu ma ‘taabalakum minan nisai mathna wa thulatha wa rubaa’ fain khiftum alla ta’dilu fa wahidah” which means “So you marry the women two, three or four, but if you are afraid that you can’t be fair (equal treatment to all of them), then (marry) only one”.
The above Quranic verse is an authority that Allah allows Muslim men to have four wives at any one time. However, such privileged comes with a condition and that condition is not something that is easy to fulfill i.e. give equal treatment to each and everyone of them.
“Equal treatment” is a simple self-explanatory phrase but more often than not, those who practice polygamy “overlook” or “choose to overlook” this requirement. The treatment here refers to everything from the foods to the house to the sexual needs. While most of those who practice polygamy thought that they have the capability to have more than one wife, I would say that majority, if not all of them are in fact and indeed do not have such capacity to practice polygamy. Just imagine, when the husband buys foods for his fourth wife, he is also obliged to buy the same foods for his other wives. If the fourth wife is staying in a double storey bungalow and third & second wives are staying in a separate double-storey terrace house while the first wife is staying in a single storey terrace house, that is not fair. To be fair to all of them, the husband must ensure that his wives are staying is a same type of house. If the husband is buying a cloth for the fourth wife, say silk material, the other three wives must also get the cloth of the same quality and definitely not of cotton material.
Further, the husband must spend his time equally among his wives, which means, the husband must move from one place to another on equally number of days basis.
So, is it easy to practice polygamy? Well, it may look easy but believe me, it is hard to practice the true polygamy concept according to the Islamic requirement. This requirement is more important than and harder to achieve as compared to our ISO certification. I bet, if SIRIM is to asses husbands who practice polygamy in term of the equal treatment, 99.999% will not get the ISO certification. I know a lot of men are using/depending on this Quranic verse when they want to have more than one wife but they only look at the first portion of the verse. Should they look at the second portion of the verse (and really understand the express and implied meaning of the verse) when Allah said “but if you are afraid that you can’t be fair (equal treatment to all of them), then (marry) only one”, do you think that they dare to practice polygamy? I will say “NO”, they won’t.
Such malpractice makes polygamy, which is initially a good Islamic concept to be seen as a tool of victimizing the women. There was one time my former Boss (a non-muslim) asked me about polygamy when we were together in her car on the way back to office. Initially, I explained to her about it. But after sometimes, we were debating about it, as I agree with the Islamic concept of polygamy, which she is totally against. Finally, she asked me one question – Will you allow your wife to have four husbands including you? My answer was a straight and firm “NO”. So, she said if a man does not want his wife to have more than one husband, he should do the same to his wife. Sounds logic but that is not the case. I told her, if a woman is allowed to have more than one husband at any one time, how are we then going to determine on the child’s paternity? Who is the father? Well, to certain extend, I managed to shut her mouth but then she asked me about the inequality in term of treatment given to the wives, which to certain extent I do agree with her that most men who practice polygamy are not fair to their wives. Then she suggested to me that since I agree with her, don’t I think that polygamy should be stopped from being practised. Wow! Looks like I was caught by my own words, but then I told her that we do not simply abolish a good system just because some people in charge of the system abuse the system. I gave her an example of traffic system. We have speed limit on the road. While it is a good system (to have the speed limit), are we going to abolish the speed limit system just because most drivers (including me…hehehe) always beat the speed limit? So, by that, we ended our conversation (coincidentally, we reached our office by that time).
The above Quranic verse is an authority that Allah allows Muslim men to have four wives at any one time. However, such privileged comes with a condition and that condition is not something that is easy to fulfill i.e. give equal treatment to each and everyone of them.
“Equal treatment” is a simple self-explanatory phrase but more often than not, those who practice polygamy “overlook” or “choose to overlook” this requirement. The treatment here refers to everything from the foods to the house to the sexual needs. While most of those who practice polygamy thought that they have the capability to have more than one wife, I would say that majority, if not all of them are in fact and indeed do not have such capacity to practice polygamy. Just imagine, when the husband buys foods for his fourth wife, he is also obliged to buy the same foods for his other wives. If the fourth wife is staying in a double storey bungalow and third & second wives are staying in a separate double-storey terrace house while the first wife is staying in a single storey terrace house, that is not fair. To be fair to all of them, the husband must ensure that his wives are staying is a same type of house. If the husband is buying a cloth for the fourth wife, say silk material, the other three wives must also get the cloth of the same quality and definitely not of cotton material.
Further, the husband must spend his time equally among his wives, which means, the husband must move from one place to another on equally number of days basis.
So, is it easy to practice polygamy? Well, it may look easy but believe me, it is hard to practice the true polygamy concept according to the Islamic requirement. This requirement is more important than and harder to achieve as compared to our ISO certification. I bet, if SIRIM is to asses husbands who practice polygamy in term of the equal treatment, 99.999% will not get the ISO certification. I know a lot of men are using/depending on this Quranic verse when they want to have more than one wife but they only look at the first portion of the verse. Should they look at the second portion of the verse (and really understand the express and implied meaning of the verse) when Allah said “but if you are afraid that you can’t be fair (equal treatment to all of them), then (marry) only one”, do you think that they dare to practice polygamy? I will say “NO”, they won’t.
Such malpractice makes polygamy, which is initially a good Islamic concept to be seen as a tool of victimizing the women. There was one time my former Boss (a non-muslim) asked me about polygamy when we were together in her car on the way back to office. Initially, I explained to her about it. But after sometimes, we were debating about it, as I agree with the Islamic concept of polygamy, which she is totally against. Finally, she asked me one question – Will you allow your wife to have four husbands including you? My answer was a straight and firm “NO”. So, she said if a man does not want his wife to have more than one husband, he should do the same to his wife. Sounds logic but that is not the case. I told her, if a woman is allowed to have more than one husband at any one time, how are we then going to determine on the child’s paternity? Who is the father? Well, to certain extend, I managed to shut her mouth but then she asked me about the inequality in term of treatment given to the wives, which to certain extent I do agree with her that most men who practice polygamy are not fair to their wives. Then she suggested to me that since I agree with her, don’t I think that polygamy should be stopped from being practised. Wow! Looks like I was caught by my own words, but then I told her that we do not simply abolish a good system just because some people in charge of the system abuse the system. I gave her an example of traffic system. We have speed limit on the road. While it is a good system (to have the speed limit), are we going to abolish the speed limit system just because most drivers (including me…hehehe) always beat the speed limit? So, by that, we ended our conversation (coincidentally, we reached our office by that time).
Tuesday, February 26, 2008
Innocent until proven guilty
It was reported in today’s The Star that a rape accused was released by the Sessions Court after the Court found that the victim is still a virgin.
The Sessions Court Judge was reported to have said that the doctor who examined the victim stated that the girl was still a virgin and there had been no penetration.
If the doctor said that the victim is still virgin and there was no penetration, how did the prosecution came to a decision to charge the accused? Didn’t they have access to the medical report prior to charging the accused? I am sure that the prosecution must have their own basis to charge the accused in Court but the medical report on the victims condition i.e. no penetration makes me puzzled. That is very basic. What are the elements of rape? Is it a rape when there is no penetration? Definitely not.
Under Section 375 of the Penal Code, rape is said to have taken place when a man has sexual intercourse with a woman, among others, against her will and without her consent. Explanation to Section 375 provides that penetration is sufficient to constitute the sexual intercourse necessary to the offence of rape.
While one can lost the virginity for other reasons than sexual intercourse, the key word here is penetration. Can sexual intercourse take place without penetration? The answer is “no”. No penetration, means no sexual intercourse. No sexual intercourse means no rape. As simple as that.
However, on top of all that, I pity the accused, a 30-year old odd-job worker. He had been remanded for 4 years for nothing. What a waste of his precious time. Who to blame? The prosecution? The Investigating Officer? The system? Is there any remedy for him?
Rape is a non-bailable offence which simply means the accused can either be granted or refused bail. It depends on the circumstances surrounding the case. In this case, for reasons best known to the parties involved in the case, the bail was denied, causing the accused spending four years of his life in the prison.
When a person is denied bail, it is best that the hearing be expedite. In this case, I think four years is a long time to discharge the case. We need to remember this-“a man is innocent until proven guilty”.
The Sessions Court Judge was reported to have said that the doctor who examined the victim stated that the girl was still a virgin and there had been no penetration.
If the doctor said that the victim is still virgin and there was no penetration, how did the prosecution came to a decision to charge the accused? Didn’t they have access to the medical report prior to charging the accused? I am sure that the prosecution must have their own basis to charge the accused in Court but the medical report on the victims condition i.e. no penetration makes me puzzled. That is very basic. What are the elements of rape? Is it a rape when there is no penetration? Definitely not.
Under Section 375 of the Penal Code, rape is said to have taken place when a man has sexual intercourse with a woman, among others, against her will and without her consent. Explanation to Section 375 provides that penetration is sufficient to constitute the sexual intercourse necessary to the offence of rape.
While one can lost the virginity for other reasons than sexual intercourse, the key word here is penetration. Can sexual intercourse take place without penetration? The answer is “no”. No penetration, means no sexual intercourse. No sexual intercourse means no rape. As simple as that.
However, on top of all that, I pity the accused, a 30-year old odd-job worker. He had been remanded for 4 years for nothing. What a waste of his precious time. Who to blame? The prosecution? The Investigating Officer? The system? Is there any remedy for him?
Rape is a non-bailable offence which simply means the accused can either be granted or refused bail. It depends on the circumstances surrounding the case. In this case, for reasons best known to the parties involved in the case, the bail was denied, causing the accused spending four years of his life in the prison.
When a person is denied bail, it is best that the hearing be expedite. In this case, I think four years is a long time to discharge the case. We need to remember this-“a man is innocent until proven guilty”.
To stamp or not to stamp???
What a joke!!! That is how I describe the Election Commission (EC) over the issue of stamping the statutory declaration by the candidates.
On Thursday (21/2/2008), EC made an announcement that all Statutory Declaration (SD) must be stamped, causing the uproar among the candidates, especially the opposition, as it would mean that candidates would have either Friday (22/2/2008) or Saturday (23/2/2008) to have their SD stamped. It was a last minute call by the EC. The EC said that such requirement is valid in law. That made me wonder!!! Is it so crucial to have the SD stamped? Few questions are in my mind. If it is so vital to have the SD stamped: –
(1) why is it implemented only now and not during the past 11 general elections?
(2) what would be the effect of not having the SD tamped?
(3) why was the announcement made last minute?
People have been speculating and talking about the 12th general election months ago and the EC, as the body in charge of the country’s election had also made their very own preparation, including the usage of the indelible ink. But I just could not understand and I think that it is unexplainable as to why such an important announcement was made last minute and not earlier. I think the issue of stamping is as important as the indelible ink. This is because, without the stamped SD, the nomination can be rejected, which would result in no candidate to contest. If no candidate to contest, then there is no casting of vote. If there is no casting of vote, then on whose finger the EC is to use the indelible ink at? Perhaps, on their own fingers.
But yesterday, the EC made a u-turn to their early announcement. I read a report in The Sun today that (I quote in verbatim): -
“The Election Commission has decided that all candidates who submitted their nomination papers without the accompanying statutory declaration being stamped are qualified to stand as candidates in the general election”.
The EC Secretary further said on the effect of failing to have the SD stamped that (I quote in verbatim): -
“…although the law required the duty stamp on nomination papers, it was the decision of the commission, which comprises the chairman, deputy chairman and five commissioners, to qualify the candidates”
Wow! The EC is now being very nice. Allowing the candidates to contest though they are not complying with the legal requirement. What does this mean?
It was also reported in the newspaper that “under Regulation 6(2A)(c) of the Election Regulation (Conduct of Elections) 1981, returning officers can reject nomination papers of a candidate if the statutory declaration did not adhere to Regulation 4(7) of the Election Regulations”. However, there was no further elaboration on the provision of Regulation 4(7) of the Election Regulation".
I do not have the privileged of reading the said provision of Regulation 4 (7) but I read the Malaysian Bar website yesterday whereby a senior lawyer by the name of Roger Tan, who is also the Malaysian Bar Council’s Conveyancing Practice Committee chairman, said it was legally wrong to reject any nomination if the statutory declaration was not stamped immediately. He said the Regulation 4(7) of the Election Regulation (Conduct of Election) 1981 only provided that the original copy of the statutory declaration must be submitted and did not say it had to be stamped.
Well, if what Roger Tan said is correct, I just don’t understand the move by the EC to make the stamping of the SD mandatory.
EC! Please do not make our country a laughing stock. We have had enough with the Lingam Video Clip Inquiry . Let’s be serious in discharging our duties.
On Thursday (21/2/2008), EC made an announcement that all Statutory Declaration (SD) must be stamped, causing the uproar among the candidates, especially the opposition, as it would mean that candidates would have either Friday (22/2/2008) or Saturday (23/2/2008) to have their SD stamped. It was a last minute call by the EC. The EC said that such requirement is valid in law. That made me wonder!!! Is it so crucial to have the SD stamped? Few questions are in my mind. If it is so vital to have the SD stamped: –
(1) why is it implemented only now and not during the past 11 general elections?
(2) what would be the effect of not having the SD tamped?
(3) why was the announcement made last minute?
People have been speculating and talking about the 12th general election months ago and the EC, as the body in charge of the country’s election had also made their very own preparation, including the usage of the indelible ink. But I just could not understand and I think that it is unexplainable as to why such an important announcement was made last minute and not earlier. I think the issue of stamping is as important as the indelible ink. This is because, without the stamped SD, the nomination can be rejected, which would result in no candidate to contest. If no candidate to contest, then there is no casting of vote. If there is no casting of vote, then on whose finger the EC is to use the indelible ink at? Perhaps, on their own fingers.
But yesterday, the EC made a u-turn to their early announcement. I read a report in The Sun today that (I quote in verbatim): -
“The Election Commission has decided that all candidates who submitted their nomination papers without the accompanying statutory declaration being stamped are qualified to stand as candidates in the general election”.
The EC Secretary further said on the effect of failing to have the SD stamped that (I quote in verbatim): -
“…although the law required the duty stamp on nomination papers, it was the decision of the commission, which comprises the chairman, deputy chairman and five commissioners, to qualify the candidates”
Wow! The EC is now being very nice. Allowing the candidates to contest though they are not complying with the legal requirement. What does this mean?
It was also reported in the newspaper that “under Regulation 6(2A)(c) of the Election Regulation (Conduct of Elections) 1981, returning officers can reject nomination papers of a candidate if the statutory declaration did not adhere to Regulation 4(7) of the Election Regulations”. However, there was no further elaboration on the provision of Regulation 4(7) of the Election Regulation".
I do not have the privileged of reading the said provision of Regulation 4 (7) but I read the Malaysian Bar website yesterday whereby a senior lawyer by the name of Roger Tan, who is also the Malaysian Bar Council’s Conveyancing Practice Committee chairman, said it was legally wrong to reject any nomination if the statutory declaration was not stamped immediately. He said the Regulation 4(7) of the Election Regulation (Conduct of Election) 1981 only provided that the original copy of the statutory declaration must be submitted and did not say it had to be stamped.
Well, if what Roger Tan said is correct, I just don’t understand the move by the EC to make the stamping of the SD mandatory.
EC! Please do not make our country a laughing stock. We have had enough with the Lingam Video Clip Inquiry . Let’s be serious in discharging our duties.
Hari Lahir of Hari Jadi?
Happy birthday♫ to you ♫
Happy ♫birthday to you
Happy birthday ♫to you
Happy birthday to you♫
That is the most sang song in the world. The song is sang in various languages including our very own language, Malay.
In Malay, there are two versions, (1) Selamat Hari Jadi or (2) Selamat Hari Lahir. Which one of those is the right one, grammatically and technically? While most people sing "Selamat Hari Jadi" instead of "Selamat Hari Lahir", I am of the opinion that it should be the other way around. The reasons are: -
(1) "Selamat Hari Lahir" is the direct translation to "Happy bithday"
(2) "Selamat Hari Lahir" means we are celebrating a birthday of someone while "Selamat Hari Jadi" means we are celebrating the creation day of someone
(3) While we know when we were born (through the birthday), none of us know when we were created, as that is the business of Alah.
So, from now on, let's sing the right song when we celebrate or wish someone's birthday. But of course, the best of all is to pray to Allah and be grateful of what we have.
Happy ♫birthday to you
Happy birthday ♫to you
Happy birthday to you♫
That is the most sang song in the world. The song is sang in various languages including our very own language, Malay.
In Malay, there are two versions, (1) Selamat Hari Jadi or (2) Selamat Hari Lahir. Which one of those is the right one, grammatically and technically? While most people sing "Selamat Hari Jadi" instead of "Selamat Hari Lahir", I am of the opinion that it should be the other way around. The reasons are: -
(1) "Selamat Hari Lahir" is the direct translation to "Happy bithday"
(2) "Selamat Hari Lahir" means we are celebrating a birthday of someone while "Selamat Hari Jadi" means we are celebrating the creation day of someone
(3) While we know when we were born (through the birthday), none of us know when we were created, as that is the business of Alah.
So, from now on, let's sing the right song when we celebrate or wish someone's birthday. But of course, the best of all is to pray to Allah and be grateful of what we have.
The Propohet (pbuh) said:
"Alyadul 'ulya khairun min alyadis sufla wabda' biman ta'ul" which means, "the hand on top (giver) is better than the one at the bottom (receiver) and start with those under your care".
The above hadith teaches us on the issue of helping others while performing our responsibilities. While it is good to help others in term of monetary or otherwise, it is of utmost importance that we start all those good deeds at home. Before we help others in any way, we must ensure that those under our care and responsibilities i.e. wife/wives and children (and parents) are really and well taken care of and not neglected.
A simple example is a husband/father who does not mind in spending money for his friends but become very calculative when it comes to his wife/wives and children. This practice or habit is against the teaching of Islam as reflected in the above hadith.
Remember this - Our family members are our responsibilities and they are our main priority over other people.
Wallahu 'alam...
"Alyadul 'ulya khairun min alyadis sufla wabda' biman ta'ul" which means, "the hand on top (giver) is better than the one at the bottom (receiver) and start with those under your care".
The above hadith teaches us on the issue of helping others while performing our responsibilities. While it is good to help others in term of monetary or otherwise, it is of utmost importance that we start all those good deeds at home. Before we help others in any way, we must ensure that those under our care and responsibilities i.e. wife/wives and children (and parents) are really and well taken care of and not neglected.
A simple example is a husband/father who does not mind in spending money for his friends but become very calculative when it comes to his wife/wives and children. This practice or habit is against the teaching of Islam as reflected in the above hadith.
Remember this - Our family members are our responsibilities and they are our main priority over other people.
Wallahu 'alam...
Saturday, February 23, 2008
Employment Law Part 2
Even though the Employment Act 1955 (EA) spelled out some minimum terms of employment, more often than not, the individual contract of employment will have a better, if not similar, terms of employment than the EA. Amongst others, the EA provides that: -
Notice period to terminate the employment– those who are employed for less than two years, the notice period is four weeks, those who are employed for more than two but less than five years, the notice period is six weeks while those who are employed for more than five years, the notice period is eight weeks. However, such notice period is not applicable in the event that the termination takes place as a result of breach by any party. If the breach is by the employee (which is serious enough to warrant dismissal), the employer may then dismiss the employee with immediate effect (of course after due inquiry is held). On the other hand, if the breach is by the employer, the employee may either refer the case to the Industrial Relations Department and still remain as an employee or walk out from the employment on the basis of constructive dismissal and lodge a complaint with the same department.
Contract deemed to be broken– A contract is deemed to be broken, by the employer if the employer fails to pay wages or by the employee, if the employee has been absent from work for more than two consecutive working days without prior leave from the employer unless the employee has reasonable excuse or has informed or attempted to inform the employer of his absence. In this case, the reasonable excuse may include but not limited to be admitted to hospital, involved in car accident, etc. However, with the advance telecommunication technology nowadays, there shall be no excuse for an employee not to inform his employer of his absence.
Payday– Every employer must pay the salary to its employees not later than the 7th day of the following month.
Paid maternity leave– Every female employee shall be eligible for sixty days paid maternity leave provided that the following two conditions are fulfilled: -
(a) she has been employed by the employer at any time in the four months immediately before her confinement; and
(b) she has been employed by the employer for a period of, or periods amounting in the aggregate to, not less than ninety days during the nine months immediately before her confinement.
The two conditions means if the female employee commences her confinement on 1st of October, she must be in the employment at least on the 1st of June and during the period of nine months before her confinement i.e. at least on the 1st January until 1st of October, she must be in the employment for aggregating period of not less than ninety days.
Notwithstanding the above, the female employees’ eligibility for paid maternity leave shall ceased if at the time of her confinement, she has five or more surviving children. The key word here is “surviving”. So, if the female employees have given birth for more than 5 times but at the time of her next confinement, 4 or less of her children still alive, she is still entitled for the paid maternity leave.
Annual leave - those who are employed for less than two years, their annual leave entitlement is, eight days, those who are employed for more than two but less than five years, the annual leave entitlement is twelve days while those who are employed for more than five years, the annual leave entitlement is sixteen days.
Annual Medical Leave – (Out-patient) those who are employed for less than two years, the outpatient annual medical leave entitlement is fourteen days, those who are employed for more than two but less than five years, the outpatient annual medical leave entitlement is eighteen days while those who are employed for more than five years, the outpatient annual medical leave entitlement is twenty-two days.
(In-patient) Every employee is entitled to sixty days in-patient annual medical leave regardless of his number of years of service.
Notwithstanding the above, the maximum combination of out-patient and in-patient annual medical leave shall not be more than sixty days. In computing the annual medical entitlement, priority should be given to the in-patient medical leave over the out-patient medical leave. For example, if the employee’s entitlement for out-patient annual medical leave is twenty-two days and during one particular calendar year, he is hospitalized for a total of fifty days, his entitlement for out-patient medical leave for that particular year shall be ten days instead of twenty-two days.
As mentioned earlier, the above are only the minimum terms of employment provided for in the EA. However, in view of Section 7A of the EA (as discussed in Part 1), employer shall be at liberty to offer better terms (and definitely not less) than those stated in the EA.
Meanwhile, Section 7B of the EA provides that any employer is also at liberty to offer any terms of employment, which is not provided for in the EA.
Notice period to terminate the employment– those who are employed for less than two years, the notice period is four weeks, those who are employed for more than two but less than five years, the notice period is six weeks while those who are employed for more than five years, the notice period is eight weeks. However, such notice period is not applicable in the event that the termination takes place as a result of breach by any party. If the breach is by the employee (which is serious enough to warrant dismissal), the employer may then dismiss the employee with immediate effect (of course after due inquiry is held). On the other hand, if the breach is by the employer, the employee may either refer the case to the Industrial Relations Department and still remain as an employee or walk out from the employment on the basis of constructive dismissal and lodge a complaint with the same department.
Contract deemed to be broken– A contract is deemed to be broken, by the employer if the employer fails to pay wages or by the employee, if the employee has been absent from work for more than two consecutive working days without prior leave from the employer unless the employee has reasonable excuse or has informed or attempted to inform the employer of his absence. In this case, the reasonable excuse may include but not limited to be admitted to hospital, involved in car accident, etc. However, with the advance telecommunication technology nowadays, there shall be no excuse for an employee not to inform his employer of his absence.
Payday– Every employer must pay the salary to its employees not later than the 7th day of the following month.
Paid maternity leave– Every female employee shall be eligible for sixty days paid maternity leave provided that the following two conditions are fulfilled: -
(a) she has been employed by the employer at any time in the four months immediately before her confinement; and
(b) she has been employed by the employer for a period of, or periods amounting in the aggregate to, not less than ninety days during the nine months immediately before her confinement.
The two conditions means if the female employee commences her confinement on 1st of October, she must be in the employment at least on the 1st of June and during the period of nine months before her confinement i.e. at least on the 1st January until 1st of October, she must be in the employment for aggregating period of not less than ninety days.
Notwithstanding the above, the female employees’ eligibility for paid maternity leave shall ceased if at the time of her confinement, she has five or more surviving children. The key word here is “surviving”. So, if the female employees have given birth for more than 5 times but at the time of her next confinement, 4 or less of her children still alive, she is still entitled for the paid maternity leave.
Annual leave - those who are employed for less than two years, their annual leave entitlement is, eight days, those who are employed for more than two but less than five years, the annual leave entitlement is twelve days while those who are employed for more than five years, the annual leave entitlement is sixteen days.
Annual Medical Leave – (Out-patient) those who are employed for less than two years, the outpatient annual medical leave entitlement is fourteen days, those who are employed for more than two but less than five years, the outpatient annual medical leave entitlement is eighteen days while those who are employed for more than five years, the outpatient annual medical leave entitlement is twenty-two days.
(In-patient) Every employee is entitled to sixty days in-patient annual medical leave regardless of his number of years of service.
Notwithstanding the above, the maximum combination of out-patient and in-patient annual medical leave shall not be more than sixty days. In computing the annual medical entitlement, priority should be given to the in-patient medical leave over the out-patient medical leave. For example, if the employee’s entitlement for out-patient annual medical leave is twenty-two days and during one particular calendar year, he is hospitalized for a total of fifty days, his entitlement for out-patient medical leave for that particular year shall be ten days instead of twenty-two days.
As mentioned earlier, the above are only the minimum terms of employment provided for in the EA. However, in view of Section 7A of the EA (as discussed in Part 1), employer shall be at liberty to offer better terms (and definitely not less) than those stated in the EA.
Meanwhile, Section 7B of the EA provides that any employer is also at liberty to offer any terms of employment, which is not provided for in the EA.
"Inna lillahi wainna ilaihi raji'un" (From him we came and to him we return).
I read with sadness the news about 6 friends who were drowned while swimming in the Pahang River. Yesterday's newpaper reported that the rescuer had found one body while today's newspaper reported that the rescuer have found the remaining five.
My condolonces to the victims' family. Let us pray that the six of them are placed among the pious.
I read with sadness the news about 6 friends who were drowned while swimming in the Pahang River. Yesterday's newpaper reported that the rescuer had found one body while today's newspaper reported that the rescuer have found the remaining five.
My condolonces to the victims' family. Let us pray that the six of them are placed among the pious.
The Tension is over
That is how I describe the naming of the candidates for Perlis BN. From my reading in the newspaper report (The Star on line), the grassroots supporters torn down BN flags and some were reported to have sprayed red Pak Lah's posters. That's not all, some 65 UMNO committee members had tendered their resignation. These were due to the rumours spread out that Shahidan will not be defending his state seat (that he might contest in Parliament).
Well, is that people's power? Looks like it. Anyway, I think Shahidan must have done a very good job that could create tension in Perlis when rumours were spread out about possibility that he is not Perlis MB after the general election.
As for the 65 UMNO committee members who resigned, if it is true that they resigned due to the rumours, I would say it was an immature action. So now, with Shahidan going to retain his state seat, are they going to retract their resignation??? Laugh...Unless they wanted to show people power...
Well, is that people's power? Looks like it. Anyway, I think Shahidan must have done a very good job that could create tension in Perlis when rumours were spread out about possibility that he is not Perlis MB after the general election.
As for the 65 UMNO committee members who resigned, if it is true that they resigned due to the rumours, I would say it was an immature action. So now, with Shahidan going to retain his state seat, are they going to retract their resignation??? Laugh...Unless they wanted to show people power...
Friday, February 22, 2008
Attention to all passengers…Sorry for the inconvenience
The above is the announcement made by the operator of the Light Rail Transit (LRT) (Kelana Jaya Line) formerly known as LRT Putra when there is a service disruption.
Talking about service disruption, this morning they have the same problem, again. Which means, this is not the first time. Since 29/1/2008 (which is barely less than one month from today), I have experienced it three times. That were those occasions that I knew of. May be it is more than that. After all, I am not surprised if there were more than 3 occasions for the past one month.
I used their services way back in 2001 for about one year. The service was far from satisfactory. I mean, with the very short coaches to accommodate a large number of passengers. If you can imagine, what people said, “macam dalam tin sardin”, that is how I describe the crowd in the LRT especially during peak hours. And the worst part, they never learn from it.
Now, it is 2008, they are still providing the very short coaches and the crowd is the same as those in 2001. Not only that, their service disruption level also is high (if they have at least three in less than one month). So, I assume that having an imported CEO is of no use and of no help. I do not see any improvement in that sense. So, I think may be they need to have a local CEO, who I think, might understand the local problems better.
Sometimes end of last year, i sent an email to them complaining, amongst others, the "sardine" problem. Their reply was that the government/the operator has ordered more coaches and they expect with the arrival of the new coaches, they can solve the problem. My goodness!!! I do not know when was the order made, but since 2001 until now, the problem remains the same. Even if they buy more coaches but for every train, they remain with two coaches, i do not see how they can overcome the situation. if they can have more coaches for their Ampang Line LRT (formerly known as Star LRT), i just cannot understand why they cannot have the same arrangement for their Kelana Jaya Line.
Talking about service disruption, this morning they have the same problem, again. Which means, this is not the first time. Since 29/1/2008 (which is barely less than one month from today), I have experienced it three times. That were those occasions that I knew of. May be it is more than that. After all, I am not surprised if there were more than 3 occasions for the past one month.
I used their services way back in 2001 for about one year. The service was far from satisfactory. I mean, with the very short coaches to accommodate a large number of passengers. If you can imagine, what people said, “macam dalam tin sardin”, that is how I describe the crowd in the LRT especially during peak hours. And the worst part, they never learn from it.
Now, it is 2008, they are still providing the very short coaches and the crowd is the same as those in 2001. Not only that, their service disruption level also is high (if they have at least three in less than one month). So, I assume that having an imported CEO is of no use and of no help. I do not see any improvement in that sense. So, I think may be they need to have a local CEO, who I think, might understand the local problems better.
Sometimes end of last year, i sent an email to them complaining, amongst others, the "sardine" problem. Their reply was that the government/the operator has ordered more coaches and they expect with the arrival of the new coaches, they can solve the problem. My goodness!!! I do not know when was the order made, but since 2001 until now, the problem remains the same. Even if they buy more coaches but for every train, they remain with two coaches, i do not see how they can overcome the situation. if they can have more coaches for their Ampang Line LRT (formerly known as Star LRT), i just cannot understand why they cannot have the same arrangement for their Kelana Jaya Line.
Thursday, February 21, 2008
Dilemma is defined in as "a situation requiring a choice between equally undesirable alternatives".
I hate to be in a dilemma, which I am currently facing. I am, not to say really happy with what I have right now and at the same time not to say that I am not happy, it is so so, the right word to describe is I am comfortable with what I have.
However, I was approached by someone, who, to my surprise, have put me in a dilemma. I have to decide whether I want to remain status quo or move forward. While I am comfortable with what I have right here right now, there is an irresistable offer that I have to consider. I have to crack my head to make my decision. There are pros and cons for both options and they stand to be equal on both sides. See? A real dilemma.
Finally, tired of thinking the pros and cons, I made up my mind. An option that, at the moment, I think is the best for me. But then, I do not have the final say as it is a "subject-to" decision.
At the moment, I am not prepared to disclose what is my dilemma, the two available options and my "subject-to" decision.
Pernahkah kau bermimpi
Berada di tempatku
Biarlah rahsia
I hate to be in a dilemma, which I am currently facing. I am, not to say really happy with what I have right now and at the same time not to say that I am not happy, it is so so, the right word to describe is I am comfortable with what I have.
However, I was approached by someone, who, to my surprise, have put me in a dilemma. I have to decide whether I want to remain status quo or move forward. While I am comfortable with what I have right here right now, there is an irresistable offer that I have to consider. I have to crack my head to make my decision. There are pros and cons for both options and they stand to be equal on both sides. See? A real dilemma.
Finally, tired of thinking the pros and cons, I made up my mind. An option that, at the moment, I think is the best for me. But then, I do not have the final say as it is a "subject-to" decision.
At the moment, I am not prepared to disclose what is my dilemma, the two available options and my "subject-to" decision.
Pernahkah kau bermimpi
Berada di tempatku
Biarlah rahsia
What is "Fasiq"?
I read this report in The Star online today. I find it really interesting on Shahidan Kassim's statement (verbatimly extracted from The Star online): -
When asked about talk that he would not be contesting in this general election, Shahidan said, “In Islam, you should not obtain information from people who are fasik (sinner) (the emphasised in mine), instead you should be careful of them. If you want to get the truth, you must get it from the source.”
He used the word "fasiq". "Fasiq" is an arabic word which means people who go against Allah's instruction and do what Allah prohibits, but the person who is fasiq is still a Muslim. What Shahidan meant was if you want to get the information, get from those who are not "fasiq". Very interesting, Where can i find people who are not fasiq. Perhaps, it is very little. I am not saying that there is none. But even if I can find one, does that person who is not "fasiq" knows anything about election, more so about candidacy?
When asked about talk that he would not be contesting in this general election, Shahidan said, “In Islam, you should not obtain information from people who are fasik (sinner) (the emphasised in mine), instead you should be careful of them. If you want to get the truth, you must get it from the source.”
He used the word "fasiq". "Fasiq" is an arabic word which means people who go against Allah's instruction and do what Allah prohibits, but the person who is fasiq is still a Muslim. What Shahidan meant was if you want to get the information, get from those who are not "fasiq". Very interesting, Where can i find people who are not fasiq. Perhaps, it is very little. I am not saying that there is none. But even if I can find one, does that person who is not "fasiq" knows anything about election, more so about candidacy?
Stay or go?
I have read today’s The Star and of course, the free daily, The Sun. As usual, the news were centered at the 12th general election. There were so many until I do not know which one to write about. Finally, I made up my mind and chose to write on various issues that really interesting in my opinion.
The Sun reported that “MIC goes for new bloods”. Hahaha…remember in my previous posting? Every general rule there is an exception. So, reading the headlines will give different impression but after reading the reports, it is not really new bloods. It is mix of old and new bloods because the old bloods are still there to contest.
The Star, on the other hand reported that the “close-one-eye” MP of Jasin has been dropped…hehehe…remember him? Oklah. My prayers answered…at last…hahaha!!! That was what I highlighted in my previous posting. If you want to be a candidate or if you are chosen to be a candidate (sounds like you have no choice but to follow the decision of pucuk pimpinan), make sure that you have what it takes to be a good leader. Do not simply contest for the sake of popularity and monetary benefits.
I read an email about election. I do not really remember the exact story bit it goes something like this. An MP passed away and was told by the angel that he can choose either to go to heaven or to hell. He chose heaven instead of hell (of course, no person on the right frame of mind will choose hell!!!). But the angel said, no, you have to spend your time for one week in hell and one week in heaven before you can choose. So, the MP was sent to spend his time in hell for one week. When he entered the hell, he was greeted by his supporters and colleagues. They were actually at the golf course, playing golf, good food was served, it was like…in heaven. Before he could really enjoy his good time in hell, he was told by the angel to go to heaven. As he reached the heaven, he was greeted by normal citizens and nothing was interesting as compared to what he enjoyed in Hell. So, when the time comes for him to make up his mind, he chose hell instead of heaven. So, the angel took him back to the hell. To his surprise, as he entered the hell, he was still greeted by his supporters but this time around they were in dump site with full of garbage, very stinky, they were all with torn dress. So, he asked the angel, what happened. The angel said, “when you first came here, it was during your campaign period, but now you have won the election”.
The Sun reported that “MIC goes for new bloods”. Hahaha…remember in my previous posting? Every general rule there is an exception. So, reading the headlines will give different impression but after reading the reports, it is not really new bloods. It is mix of old and new bloods because the old bloods are still there to contest.
The Star, on the other hand reported that the “close-one-eye” MP of Jasin has been dropped…hehehe…remember him? Oklah. My prayers answered…at last…hahaha!!! That was what I highlighted in my previous posting. If you want to be a candidate or if you are chosen to be a candidate (sounds like you have no choice but to follow the decision of pucuk pimpinan), make sure that you have what it takes to be a good leader. Do not simply contest for the sake of popularity and monetary benefits.
I read an email about election. I do not really remember the exact story bit it goes something like this. An MP passed away and was told by the angel that he can choose either to go to heaven or to hell. He chose heaven instead of hell (of course, no person on the right frame of mind will choose hell!!!). But the angel said, no, you have to spend your time for one week in hell and one week in heaven before you can choose. So, the MP was sent to spend his time in hell for one week. When he entered the hell, he was greeted by his supporters and colleagues. They were actually at the golf course, playing golf, good food was served, it was like…in heaven. Before he could really enjoy his good time in hell, he was told by the angel to go to heaven. As he reached the heaven, he was greeted by normal citizens and nothing was interesting as compared to what he enjoyed in Hell. So, when the time comes for him to make up his mind, he chose hell instead of heaven. So, the angel took him back to the hell. To his surprise, as he entered the hell, he was still greeted by his supporters but this time around they were in dump site with full of garbage, very stinky, they were all with torn dress. So, he asked the angel, what happened. The angel said, “when you first came here, it was during your campaign period, but now you have won the election”.
Wednesday, February 20, 2008
Employment Law Part 1
What govern our employment? Is it the Employment Act 1955 (EA) or our written contract that we signed with our employer?
EA is one of the Acts of Parliament that governs the employment law in Malaysia. Amongst others, it stipulates the minimum benefit or requirement of employment in Malaysia.
The EA defines “employees” as those who entered into a contract of service and whose wages does not exceed RM1,500.00 per month or those who are engaged in manual labour, operation or maintenance of mechanically propelled vehicle, supervises the manual workers, work in vessels and domestic servant, regardless of their monthly wages. These are the categories of people that are protected under the EA.
Section 7 and 7A of EA provides that any term in the contract of employment, which is less favourable than the provision in the EA, shall be of no effect and that the provision of the EA shall prevail. On the other hand, if the term of the contract of employment is better off than the provision of the EA, then the terms of the contract shall prevail over the EA. It means that, though those under the abovementioned category is governed by the EA, they are at liberty to enter into a separate contract of employment with their employer and that the employer shall be at liberty to offer them better terms than those provided in the EA.
As for those who are not in those mentioned categories, they are governed by their own contract with their employer.
To be continued...
EA is one of the Acts of Parliament that governs the employment law in Malaysia. Amongst others, it stipulates the minimum benefit or requirement of employment in Malaysia.
The EA defines “employees” as those who entered into a contract of service and whose wages does not exceed RM1,500.00 per month or those who are engaged in manual labour, operation or maintenance of mechanically propelled vehicle, supervises the manual workers, work in vessels and domestic servant, regardless of their monthly wages. These are the categories of people that are protected under the EA.
Section 7 and 7A of EA provides that any term in the contract of employment, which is less favourable than the provision in the EA, shall be of no effect and that the provision of the EA shall prevail. On the other hand, if the term of the contract of employment is better off than the provision of the EA, then the terms of the contract shall prevail over the EA. It means that, though those under the abovementioned category is governed by the EA, they are at liberty to enter into a separate contract of employment with their employer and that the employer shall be at liberty to offer them better terms than those provided in the EA.
As for those who are not in those mentioned categories, they are governed by their own contract with their employer.
To be continued...
As everbody is fully aware, now is the election time. The fever has started. The war has started. This is the time when we can hear one party praising himself for all his good deeds and condemning other party and vice versa. It is more like "masuk bakul angkat sendiri" Let me translate that, "put yourself in a basket and you lift the basket yourself".
While, I personally think that it is not a good thing to do i.e. "masuk bakul angkat sendiri", but during election time, it is acceptable. Every general rule, there is an exception.
During election, people are free to talk even about the bad things of other people but to label other party, human being, as an animal, I think that is just too much. I belive there are more proper way to do your campaigning. What if the people who are labelled as animal suddenly joined the party of the "labellor" (Is there such a word?). Are they then human being or animal? Wow! it sounds like Charles Darwin's evolution theory.
Allah said in the holy Qur'an: -
"Ud 'u ila sabili rabbika bil hikmati wal mau 'izatil hasanah" which means "serulah ke jalan tuhan mu (Allah) dengan hikmah (bijaksana) dan nasihat yang baik"
To borrow the infamous phrase of RTM newscaster of Dunia Hari ini (I forgot his name), "renung-renungkanlah, fikir-fikirkanlah".
While, I personally think that it is not a good thing to do i.e. "masuk bakul angkat sendiri", but during election time, it is acceptable. Every general rule, there is an exception.
During election, people are free to talk even about the bad things of other people but to label other party, human being, as an animal, I think that is just too much. I belive there are more proper way to do your campaigning. What if the people who are labelled as animal suddenly joined the party of the "labellor" (Is there such a word?). Are they then human being or animal? Wow! it sounds like Charles Darwin's evolution theory.
Allah said in the holy Qur'an: -
"Ud 'u ila sabili rabbika bil hikmati wal mau 'izatil hasanah" which means "serulah ke jalan tuhan mu (Allah) dengan hikmah (bijaksana) dan nasihat yang baik"
To borrow the infamous phrase of RTM newscaster of Dunia Hari ini (I forgot his name), "renung-renungkanlah, fikir-fikirkanlah".
I am ready to go
That is what was reported in the local free daily, The Sun today. A statement from a long serving minister.
The minister was quoted as saying that whether he remains as the president or steps down will be decided by his own community and not others. I think that is a very fair statement and request. If we don't like others to meddle in our own internal affair, leave others alone. Don't do what we don't want or like others to do to us. As simple as that.
However, the said minister went ahead to say that (now I better produce the excerpt from the newspaper), "If the Indian community in the whole country decide that they don't want me, I am prepared to go even now (emphasised is mine)".
In another paragraph, he was reported to have said this (again, the exceprts from the newspaper) "...adding that he would leave at an appropriate time. "If I leave the party now, MIC will go into disarray..." (emphasised is mine)"
What a contradictory statement??? At one time, he prepares to step down even now and later telling the bad consequences if he goes now. It is like, thanks but no thanks. This also reminds me when we were all small (as I believe, a lot of parents used this reversed physchology) when our parents would say, "panjatlah! panjat! jatuh nanti, siaplah!!! Sounds familiar??? hehehe
The minister was quoted as saying that whether he remains as the president or steps down will be decided by his own community and not others. I think that is a very fair statement and request. If we don't like others to meddle in our own internal affair, leave others alone. Don't do what we don't want or like others to do to us. As simple as that.
However, the said minister went ahead to say that (now I better produce the excerpt from the newspaper), "If the Indian community in the whole country decide that they don't want me, I am prepared to go even now (emphasised is mine)".
In another paragraph, he was reported to have said this (again, the exceprts from the newspaper) "...adding that he would leave at an appropriate time. "If I leave the party now, MIC will go into disarray..." (emphasised is mine)"
What a contradictory statement??? At one time, he prepares to step down even now and later telling the bad consequences if he goes now. It is like, thanks but no thanks. This also reminds me when we were all small (as I believe, a lot of parents used this reversed physchology) when our parents would say, "panjatlah! panjat! jatuh nanti, siaplah!!! Sounds familiar??? hehehe
Tuesday, February 19, 2008
Electoral roll
Those who want to know where they will cast their votes, click on Electoral Roll or Electoral Roll 2 on the top left hand side of this page.
Tunaikan Tanggungjawab Anda
Tunaikan Tanggungjawab Anda
Moral or Immoral?
I read an article about a Malaysian Actress's comment on a sex video clip, circulated in the youtube whereby she also talked about immorality.
This is the excerpt from Kosmo online dated 19/2/2008: -
"Bagaimanapun pelakon jelita ini mengaku beberapa gambar adegan berbikini yang turut disebarkan adalah gambar milik peribadinya tetapi telah disalahgunakan oleh pihak tidak bertanggungjawab. Tetapi aksi lucah itu bukan saya. Malangnya ada orang yang telah menggunakan nama saya untuk perkara yang tidak bermoral itu dengan tujuan untuk meraih populariti"
The answer to this is very simple. Go back to and live according to the Islamic teachings. You are safe in the world and in the hereafter. That is guarateed.
Two questions: -
1. If circulating the sex video clip is immoral, is putting on bikini in public moral?
2. At the moment, the person who posted the video clip in youtube is unknown, so, what popularity is she talking about?
After all, she is not the first Malaysian artist that claimed they were sabotaged/victimised in this manner. I think after this, they will use the infamous phrase of Lingam - "It looks like me, it sounds like me".
I think this is the thing that the government needs to heal as most young Malaysians made the artist as their idol.
This is the excerpt from Kosmo online dated 19/2/2008: -
"Bagaimanapun pelakon jelita ini mengaku beberapa gambar adegan berbikini yang turut disebarkan adalah gambar milik peribadinya tetapi telah disalahgunakan oleh pihak tidak bertanggungjawab. Tetapi aksi lucah itu bukan saya. Malangnya ada orang yang telah menggunakan nama saya untuk perkara yang tidak bermoral itu dengan tujuan untuk meraih populariti"
The answer to this is very simple. Go back to and live according to the Islamic teachings. You are safe in the world and in the hereafter. That is guarateed.
Two questions: -
1. If circulating the sex video clip is immoral, is putting on bikini in public moral?
2. At the moment, the person who posted the video clip in youtube is unknown, so, what popularity is she talking about?
After all, she is not the first Malaysian artist that claimed they were sabotaged/victimised in this manner. I think after this, they will use the infamous phrase of Lingam - "It looks like me, it sounds like me".
I think this is the thing that the government needs to heal as most young Malaysians made the artist as their idol.
Our beloved Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) once said in his hadith, “kullukum ra’in wakullukum mas ulun ‘an ra’iyyatih” which means “every one of you is leader and every one of you is responsible to your subject”
The above hadith is actually self explanatory. It shows that we are all leaders. Leaders are not restricted to only politician, ministers, prime ministers, prefects, class monitors, etc, etc. A father is a leader to his family members, a mother, in the absence of the husband, is a leader of her family members, a boss is a leader in his office. Even though, a lot of people like to become a leader, as more often than not, leadership comes with great remuneration, please do not forget that it also comes with a very big responsibility.
The higher the leadership level, the heavier the responsibility is. So, it is not easy to become a leader especially when it is a matter of our own choice. As Malaysians are now in election fever, we always read in the newspaper that this fellow and that fellow is willing to become a candidate in his constituency. Willing is still ok. Some people in fact offered themselves. But the question is whether they have what it takes to become a good leader? A good leader amongst others are those who fight for the people and put the people’s priority over themselves, who ensure that their subjects are well equip with religious knowledge, who ensure that the welfare of the people is well taken care of, who will attend to the problems faced by the people and most importantly is those who carry their responsibility with sincerity.
Remember an MP who brought up an issue against customs and excise department because he did not get the Mercedes of his choice? Well, obviously that MP has put his interest over that of the people in his constituency. How could he fight in parliament about his own personal interest? He should be fighting for the people and not for himself. Is he a good or bad leader?
Do we have a leader of good quality nowadays? May be yes, may be no or may be very little. I am not sure about that. But whether we have quality and good leaders or not, election will still take place. So, what choice do we have? Like it or nor, we still need to cast our votes. That is our responsibility. To choose a leader. So, whether we are going to have a leader with a good leadership quality or otherwise, we will decide. If we make a wrong choice, we will have to bear with it for at least four years. So, cast your votes wisely.
Remember of this song?
marilah mari
pergi mengundi
tunaikanlah kewajipan
pada negara…
The above hadith is actually self explanatory. It shows that we are all leaders. Leaders are not restricted to only politician, ministers, prime ministers, prefects, class monitors, etc, etc. A father is a leader to his family members, a mother, in the absence of the husband, is a leader of her family members, a boss is a leader in his office. Even though, a lot of people like to become a leader, as more often than not, leadership comes with great remuneration, please do not forget that it also comes with a very big responsibility.
The higher the leadership level, the heavier the responsibility is. So, it is not easy to become a leader especially when it is a matter of our own choice. As Malaysians are now in election fever, we always read in the newspaper that this fellow and that fellow is willing to become a candidate in his constituency. Willing is still ok. Some people in fact offered themselves. But the question is whether they have what it takes to become a good leader? A good leader amongst others are those who fight for the people and put the people’s priority over themselves, who ensure that their subjects are well equip with religious knowledge, who ensure that the welfare of the people is well taken care of, who will attend to the problems faced by the people and most importantly is those who carry their responsibility with sincerity.
Remember an MP who brought up an issue against customs and excise department because he did not get the Mercedes of his choice? Well, obviously that MP has put his interest over that of the people in his constituency. How could he fight in parliament about his own personal interest? He should be fighting for the people and not for himself. Is he a good or bad leader?
Do we have a leader of good quality nowadays? May be yes, may be no or may be very little. I am not sure about that. But whether we have quality and good leaders or not, election will still take place. So, what choice do we have? Like it or nor, we still need to cast our votes. That is our responsibility. To choose a leader. So, whether we are going to have a leader with a good leadership quality or otherwise, we will decide. If we make a wrong choice, we will have to bear with it for at least four years. So, cast your votes wisely.
Remember of this song?
marilah mari
pergi mengundi
tunaikanlah kewajipan
pada negara…
Monday, February 18, 2008
Marriage & Engagement
They are married!!!! At Last...Two of my school best and good friends got married last week and now left with another one, who told me that his engagement will be this coming Saturday and wedding, InsyaAllah, this August.
Well, at last!!! I have 4 school best friends. Those days, when we were students, I always go to their house to lepak-lepak and mengisi masa kosong. Our house not that near. I would say the nearest from my house is about 3-4km (Semabok) while the other three were staying in the same area (Ayer Molek) which is about 10km (i guess) from my house. Before I have my driving licence, I used to cycle to their houses and there was one time, another friend of mine came to my house during Ramadhan and we cycled to my friends house at Ayer Molek and it was Friday. We were okay when we reached Ayer Molek but we had very big problem to cycle back to my house for Friday prayer. Another 10km? Fasting month? Thirsty? Under the hot sun? Make me more thirsty. But we managed to go back to my house before Friday prayer and we did not break our fasting...believe me.
The first time my friends came to my house, same transportation...they were cycling from Ayer Molek and Semabok to my house for raya...they did not know where my house was and they used Masjid Al-Azim as the landmark. So, they ended up ikut sawah at bukit piatu and reached my house like orang baru balik sawah...
Those were the days.
But now one tradition that we still continue is gather at my house during raya eve. That, without fail except when I celebrate my raya in Kelantan.
Now, all of us except one are married. So, Congratulation to all my friends, tak kiralah, yang dah kawin or yang nak bertunang. Welcome to the Club.
Well, at last!!! I have 4 school best friends. Those days, when we were students, I always go to their house to lepak-lepak and mengisi masa kosong. Our house not that near. I would say the nearest from my house is about 3-4km (Semabok) while the other three were staying in the same area (Ayer Molek) which is about 10km (i guess) from my house. Before I have my driving licence, I used to cycle to their houses and there was one time, another friend of mine came to my house during Ramadhan and we cycled to my friends house at Ayer Molek and it was Friday. We were okay when we reached Ayer Molek but we had very big problem to cycle back to my house for Friday prayer. Another 10km? Fasting month? Thirsty? Under the hot sun? Make me more thirsty. But we managed to go back to my house before Friday prayer and we did not break our fasting...believe me.
The first time my friends came to my house, same transportation...they were cycling from Ayer Molek and Semabok to my house for raya...they did not know where my house was and they used Masjid Al-Azim as the landmark. So, they ended up ikut sawah at bukit piatu and reached my house like orang baru balik sawah...
Those were the days.
But now one tradition that we still continue is gather at my house during raya eve. That, without fail except when I celebrate my raya in Kelantan.
Now, all of us except one are married. So, Congratulation to all my friends, tak kiralah, yang dah kawin or yang nak bertunang. Welcome to the Club.
Most Awaited Night
Tomorrow night is the night that my colleagues and I have been waiting since end of last year. Reason being? Because tomorrow night is our company’s Chinese New Year dinner. It is not a normal dinner like our Deeparaya or Christmas dinner that we had end of last year. While we can afford to miss both Deeparaya and Christmas dinner, we just can’t afford to miss the CNY dinner. Like what my boss said, even if you are not feeling well, you must attend the dinner.
Simple reason. The door gift is simply irresistible. Last 2 years, the door gift was 3G phone voucher worth RM1500 and last year, the door gift was vacation voucher worth RM1000 and AstroMax decoder. So, What’s for this year??? Can’t wait for tomorrow nite.
Simple reason. The door gift is simply irresistible. Last 2 years, the door gift was 3G phone voucher worth RM1500 and last year, the door gift was vacation voucher worth RM1000 and AstroMax decoder. So, What’s for this year??? Can’t wait for tomorrow nite.
People come and people go
People come and people go. When you have people around you and when the time comes, the people around you leave you (of course for a good reason), somehow or rather, you will have this one strange feeling…sort of loneliness (not that real loneliness). You can feel the different before and after. I am not sure whether everybody will have this feeling, but at least for me, yes.
I mean, when they were with me, I can really feel their existence. We had dinner together, talked about so many issues, we had good laugh, etc, etc. But when they go, I need to adjust myself. Going back home after work, look at the room they used to occupy in my house, I can feel some sort of…
Since my first year of marriage, my mother-in-laws will come to my house together with my bro and sis in laws during the year-end school holiday. They will spend their school holiday at my house. So, every time I come back from office, my house is already lively. I will see my eldest son playing and enjoying his time with his uncles and aunties and not to forget, his grandmother. They will run here and there and it is noisy. But I like it. I cherish the moment. But I miss those moments after they go back to Kelantan to start the new school term. The feeling is unexplainable. Just imagine, everyday when they were at my house, every time I reach home from office, the door is already open, there are people in my house. Suddenly, I reach home, nobody to welcome me. No noisy. Nobody run here and there. Oh! I miss those moments. But it last may be for one day only lah. So, it is not so tragic.
Last year, as usual, they came to my house for three weeks. After they went back to Kelantan (just before Aidiladha), I pity my eldest son. He was so sad. On the day my in-laws went back, after we reached home from office, my wife asked my son, as he looks sad, whether he was thinking of his uncles and his reply was something like “jangan sebutlah mama”.
Yesterday, after spending almost two months at my house, my nephew officially “check-out” from my house. He has rented a house on his own. When he “check-out” yesterday, I was not at home, as I was in my sister’s house in Putrajaya. So, last night, I told my eldest son that since Abang (my nephew) is no longer staying with us, you can now using this toilet and his reply to me was, “tak lah papa, abang syahir belum balik lagi lah (as my nephew always come home late). I told him few times that his cousin is not staying with us anymore. Finally, I showed him my nephew’s room, which was already emptied. I do not know whether he understood or not but tonite, I am expecting a question from my son, “where is abang?”.
A year ago, after spending almost one year at my house, my niece also “check-out”, as she went to UK to further her studies. I had the same feeling.
I mean, when they were with me, I can really feel their existence. We had dinner together, talked about so many issues, we had good laugh, etc, etc. But when they go, I need to adjust myself. Going back home after work, look at the room they used to occupy in my house, I can feel some sort of…
Since my first year of marriage, my mother-in-laws will come to my house together with my bro and sis in laws during the year-end school holiday. They will spend their school holiday at my house. So, every time I come back from office, my house is already lively. I will see my eldest son playing and enjoying his time with his uncles and aunties and not to forget, his grandmother. They will run here and there and it is noisy. But I like it. I cherish the moment. But I miss those moments after they go back to Kelantan to start the new school term. The feeling is unexplainable. Just imagine, everyday when they were at my house, every time I reach home from office, the door is already open, there are people in my house. Suddenly, I reach home, nobody to welcome me. No noisy. Nobody run here and there. Oh! I miss those moments. But it last may be for one day only lah. So, it is not so tragic.
Last year, as usual, they came to my house for three weeks. After they went back to Kelantan (just before Aidiladha), I pity my eldest son. He was so sad. On the day my in-laws went back, after we reached home from office, my wife asked my son, as he looks sad, whether he was thinking of his uncles and his reply was something like “jangan sebutlah mama”.
Yesterday, after spending almost two months at my house, my nephew officially “check-out” from my house. He has rented a house on his own. When he “check-out” yesterday, I was not at home, as I was in my sister’s house in Putrajaya. So, last night, I told my eldest son that since Abang (my nephew) is no longer staying with us, you can now using this toilet and his reply to me was, “tak lah papa, abang syahir belum balik lagi lah (as my nephew always come home late). I told him few times that his cousin is not staying with us anymore. Finally, I showed him my nephew’s room, which was already emptied. I do not know whether he understood or not but tonite, I am expecting a question from my son, “where is abang?”.
A year ago, after spending almost one year at my house, my niece also “check-out”, as she went to UK to further her studies. I had the same feeling.
Clash of the Titans, part 2 - Who has the last laugh???

Saturday, February 16, 2008
Clash of the Titans
A match that is not to be missed. It is a do-or-die match for Man U when they play Arsenal early tomorrow morning in FA cup match. A match that Man U definitely can't afford to lose, as they are now trailing Arsenal by 5 points in the second place.
This afternoon I travelled back to my hometown, Melaka. About 1km after I left my house, suddenly I realised that I have forgotten to bring back my astro smart card. Without any second thougt, I made a u-turn to my house to take the astro smart card. My wife was not happy, as we were already late to attend my friend's wedding in Melaka. Well! What to do sayang? You are married to a football fan and to be exact, Man U fan. Bear with me.
When I left Maybank, I missed 1 thing, that is "perang mulut" with those fans of Arsenal, Chelsea, Liverpool and last but not least Spurs. It was always nicer when Man U won any match against those teams or any of those teams losses their match, as it means I would have the upper hand in our "war". But that was history and one my nice memories in Maybank, as in my new office, there is only one football fan and that friend of mine is a fan of none others than the great team, Man U. So, while it is good to have a "teammate", I must admit that it is pretty boring, as I do not have a "quarrel partner".
Going back to the match, it is a match that I can't miss to watch. Come on Man U! Lets win this crucial match, otherwise I'll receive sms from my Arsenal friend and I do not want that to happen.
My prediction? Man U (2) Arsenal (1)
Glory Glory Man Utd
Glory Glory Man Utd
This afternoon I travelled back to my hometown, Melaka. About 1km after I left my house, suddenly I realised that I have forgotten to bring back my astro smart card. Without any second thougt, I made a u-turn to my house to take the astro smart card. My wife was not happy, as we were already late to attend my friend's wedding in Melaka. Well! What to do sayang? You are married to a football fan and to be exact, Man U fan. Bear with me.
When I left Maybank, I missed 1 thing, that is "perang mulut" with those fans of Arsenal, Chelsea, Liverpool and last but not least Spurs. It was always nicer when Man U won any match against those teams or any of those teams losses their match, as it means I would have the upper hand in our "war". But that was history and one my nice memories in Maybank, as in my new office, there is only one football fan and that friend of mine is a fan of none others than the great team, Man U. So, while it is good to have a "teammate", I must admit that it is pretty boring, as I do not have a "quarrel partner".
Going back to the match, it is a match that I can't miss to watch. Come on Man U! Lets win this crucial match, otherwise I'll receive sms from my Arsenal friend and I do not want that to happen.
My prediction? Man U (2) Arsenal (1)
Glory Glory Man Utd
Glory Glory Man Utd
Election is just round the corner
12th General Election is just around the corner. This will be the second time i cast my vote though it should be the third one. Reason? Because being young once upon a time (oops, I am still young), I did not really bother with the election. I had this thinking in my mind...what difference will I make with my one vote? My answer was simple and straightforward then...none. To be frank, i have never cast my vote or rather exercise my right as a voter when I was a student. But four years ago, all that changed. Perhaps, because I have started working and became more mature. I was so eager to cast my vote in 2004 (my first time kan?) and it really made me feel good as the party that I voted for won after losing in so many previous elections to the other party. But now, am I still eager to cast my vote. I am not sure about that. But I will use my once-in-four-years right to determine which party should run the country.
I think it should be very interesting election this time around, to see whether the BN coalition is able to maintain or rather repeat their major win during the previous election. What are the issues that are going to be raised by the opposition? What would be the defence by the BN? What would be the manifesto of the contesting parties? What would be the promise(s) this time around should they win the election? Very interesting to note. Not only that, the naming of the candidates also is an interesting part. Before any general election, we normally hear candidates are willing to contest at different area just for the sake of challenging other candidates or candidates invite their opponent to contest in their comfort zone. But more often than not, it will normally won't take place...well, it is what we call politics. Who want to lose in general election then? So, I suppose, those are the gimmick before the election.
Apart from that, there are also incumbents who are so confident of retaining their seat and making statement in the newspaper, which to certain extent, it sounds like "cakap besar" and "sombong". I just want to wait for the outcome. Should he or she loses, serves them right.
There are also MPs, which in my opinion should not be contesting in this coming general election. I mean, they should volunteer themselves to give way to new fresh candidate rather than being dropped by the party's top leadership. As nowadays, we can watch them debating in the parliament, we can see that there are MPs who like to talk or rather debate "rubbish" in the parliament. Sometimes, they talk or debate issues with no merit. I do not know what is their intention of doing so, but would it be possible that they want people in their constituency to see that they really do their "work"?
During the last general election, there was proposal (or was it really a proposal?) that YB should be referred to as "Yang Berkhidmat" rather than "Yang Berhormat". It was a good idea, as it can always remind the YB that they were elected by the people to serve the people and none others. But until now, I do not hear or read anywhere of them being called "Yang Berkhidmat"
So, let's exercise our right and cast your vote wisely.
Can't wait for March 8, 2008.
I think it should be very interesting election this time around, to see whether the BN coalition is able to maintain or rather repeat their major win during the previous election. What are the issues that are going to be raised by the opposition? What would be the defence by the BN? What would be the manifesto of the contesting parties? What would be the promise(s) this time around should they win the election? Very interesting to note. Not only that, the naming of the candidates also is an interesting part. Before any general election, we normally hear candidates are willing to contest at different area just for the sake of challenging other candidates or candidates invite their opponent to contest in their comfort zone. But more often than not, it will normally won't take place...well, it is what we call politics. Who want to lose in general election then? So, I suppose, those are the gimmick before the election.
Apart from that, there are also incumbents who are so confident of retaining their seat and making statement in the newspaper, which to certain extent, it sounds like "cakap besar" and "sombong". I just want to wait for the outcome. Should he or she loses, serves them right.
There are also MPs, which in my opinion should not be contesting in this coming general election. I mean, they should volunteer themselves to give way to new fresh candidate rather than being dropped by the party's top leadership. As nowadays, we can watch them debating in the parliament, we can see that there are MPs who like to talk or rather debate "rubbish" in the parliament. Sometimes, they talk or debate issues with no merit. I do not know what is their intention of doing so, but would it be possible that they want people in their constituency to see that they really do their "work"?
During the last general election, there was proposal (or was it really a proposal?) that YB should be referred to as "Yang Berkhidmat" rather than "Yang Berhormat". It was a good idea, as it can always remind the YB that they were elected by the people to serve the people and none others. But until now, I do not hear or read anywhere of them being called "Yang Berkhidmat"
So, let's exercise our right and cast your vote wisely.
Can't wait for March 8, 2008.
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