It is About Sharing

Knowledge is for sharing. Do not keep your knowledge to yourself alone. Let it grows. The more you share, the more you learn and in the end you become a better person.


Friday, July 18, 2008

Peace of Mind

I received an email from a friend and I think it is good to share with you guys. Actually there was a very nice caricature in the email but I can't save it as a photo. So, sorry guys, unable to share it with you. But continue reading, ok!
If you were to ask your neighbor, 'What would give you peace of mind?' he might tell you "A vacation in Bermuda!" or "an extra thousand dollars would give me peace!" or "a new Ferrari would make me contented!"
But going places and getting stuff is usually a temporary solution...Peace of mind rarely comes from getting more stuff. Getting more stuff usually leads to wanting even more stuff!
Peace of mind starts with being grateful for what we have right now.

When we are thankful for what we have, for the friends we have, and for the things we've got, we attract more good people and good things!
People who always complain about what they DON'T HAVE, stay stuck. Complainers attract more things to complain about! It is a law of life. It's hard to explain, but you can observe it around you. We get more of what we dwell upon. That's why all the spiritual masters have taught the same lesson i.e. "start by being thankful. Be happy with what you have now, and more will come your way." It's practical advice. Every time you say a silent 'thank you' you become more peaceful – and more power.
The End.
This is so true. In fact I have posted two articles related to this topic in my previous posting entitled "Syukur and Kufur" and Istidraj".
Click here

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