It is About Sharing

Knowledge is for sharing. Do not keep your knowledge to yourself alone. Let it grows. The more you share, the more you learn and in the end you become a better person.


Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Isra' dan Mikraj

To all my non-Malay language readers, I will translate the article below at a later time.
Hari ini 30hb Julai 2008 bersamaan 27 Rejab 1429, semua umat Islam di seluruh dunia menyambut ulang tahun Isra' dan Mikraj. Saya ada terbaca artikel berhubung Isra' dan Mikraj ini dan di sini saya sertakan artikel tersebut untuk tatapan semua. Pasti banyak yang dapat kita pelajari dari peristiwa Isra' dan Mikraj ini namun ia terpulang kepada kita sendiri samada kita hendak mengambil iktibar daripadanya atau sebaliknya. Tepuk dada, tanyalah iman.
Kejadian yang berlaku pada malam Isra' dan Mikraj adalah tanda kebesaran Allah yang tiada tolok bandingnya. Oleh itu, janganlah kita cuba menilaikan apa yang berlaku pada malam tersebut dengan logik kerana ia hanya akan menimbulkan lebih banyak persoalan daripada jawapan. Allah berfirman: "La tas'alu 'an ashyaain in tubdalakum tasu'kum" yang bermaksud "janganlah kamu bertanya tentang sesuatu itu yang sekiranya diterangkan kepada kamu akan lebih menyusahkan kamu".
Selamat membaca: -
HARI ini, 27 Rejab mencatatkan peristiwa penting dalam kerasulan Nabi Muhammad SAW iaitu perjalanan Israk Mikraj. Perjalanan Baginda dari Masjidil Haram di Makkah ke Masjidil Aqsa di Baitulmaqdis di Palestin serta dari Masjidil Aqsa ke Sidratil Muntaha di langit ketujuh. Firman Allah bermaksud:
"Maha suci Allah yang telah memperjalankan hamba-Nya pada suatu malam dari Masjidil-Haram ke Masjidil Aqsa yang telah Kami berkati sekelilingnya (dengan diturunkan nabi-nabi di negeri itu dan kesuburan tanahnya), agar Kami perlihatkan kepadanya sebahagian dari tanda-tanda kebesaran Kami. Sesungguhnya Dia adalah Maha Mendengar lagi Maha Mengetahui." (Surah al-Isra', ayat 1)
Peristiwa ini berlaku setahun sebelum hijrahnya Nabi SAW ke Madinah bersamaan tahun 721 Masihi. Ia berlaku di tengah-tengah tekanan dan hinaan yang kuat yang dialami oleh Rasulullah dan sahabat daripada kelompok Musyrikin Makkah seperti Abu Jahal dan Abu Lahab. Israk Mikraj adalah satu perjalanan kilat Nabi Muhammad pada malam hari atas kudrat dan iradat Allah dari Masjidil Haram ke Masjidil Aqsa. Baginda kemudian naik ke langit sampai ke Sidratil Muntaha, bahkan ke Mustawa dan sampai di bawah Arasy Allah (suatu tempat di mana alam ini diatur) dengan menembusi tujuh lapis langit, lalu kembali semula ke Makkah pada malam yang sama.
Kisah-kisah dalam peristiwa Israk dan Mikraj mengandungi sesuatu yang amat menakjubkan kerana ia tidak sama dengan cara perjalanan ditempuh oleh manusia biasa. Perjalanan ini adalah perjalanan istimewa menggunakan kenderaan Allah yang kelajuannya tidak boleh ditandingi dengan apa saja kenderaan yang direka oleh manusia.
Dalam peristiwa itu Rasulullah SAW diperlihatkan kekuasaan Allah serta balasan yang bakal diterima umatnya di akhirat nanti. Firman Allah bermaksud:
“Dan demi sesungguhnya! (Nabi Muhammad SAW) telah melihat (Jibril dalam bentuk rupanya yang asal) pada waktu yang lain iaitu di Sidratil Muntaha. "Dekatnya ada syurga tempat tinggal, (Muhammad melihat Jibril) ketika Sidratil Muntaha diliputi oleh sesuatu yang meliputinya. "Penglihatan (Muhammad SAW) tidak berkisar daripada menyaksikan dengan tepat (akan pemandangan yang indah di situ yang diizinkan melihatnya), dan tidak pula melampaui batas. "Demi sesungguhnya Baginda telah melihat sebahagian daripada sebesar-besar tanda-tanda (yang membuktikan luasnya pemerintahan dan kekuasaan) Tuhan-Nya." - (Surah an-Najm, ayat 13-18).
Antara pengajaran dalam peristiwa itu ialah mengenai wanita. Dalam perjalanan Israk dan Mikraj, Rasulullah SAW turut melewati satu kawasan berbau sungguh harum dengan bau-bauan kasturi. Lalu Baginda bertanya kepada Jibril kawasan apakah yang sedang mereka lalui. Jibril menjawab: "Itulah makam Masyitah, seorang wanita penghulu syurga." Beliau ialah adalah pengasuh anak Firaun, pemerintah kejam di Mesir yang mengaku dirinya Tuhan. Masyitah berfizikal lemah, mempunyai semangat kuat dan jiwa keIslaman sehingga mampu menafikan keangkuhan Firaun. Masyitah ialah pelayan raja. Beliau adalah seorang rakyat yang masih sedar dan beriman kepada Allah tetapi disebabkan kekejaman Firaun, beliau dan ramai lagi terpaksa menyembunyikan keimanan mereka.
Pada suatu hari, ketika Masyitah menyikat rambut puteri Firaun, tiba-tiba sikat itu terjatuh. Dengan tidak sengaja, beliau menyebut nama Allah. Apabila puteri itu mendengar perkataan Allah dia bertanya kepada Masyitah, siapakah Allah itu. Masyitah pada mulanya enggan menjawab tetapi selepas didesak berkali-kali, beliau akhirnya memberitahu bahawa Allah adalah Tuhan Yang Esa dan Tuhan Sekalian Alam.
Puteri itu mengadu kepada Firaun mengenai perkara itu menyebabkan Firaun terlalu marah apabila mengetahui Masyitah menyembah tuhan selainnya. Masyitah dipaksa Firaun memperakui dirinya (Firaun) sebagai Tuhan, tetapi dengan penuh keberanian beliau berkata: "Tuhan aku dan Tuhan kamu adalah Allah."
Perkataan itu menimbulkan kemarahan Firaun, lalu memerintahkan dibuat patung lembu daripada tembaga untuk diisi minyak bagi merebus Masyitah. Menteri Firaun, iaitu Hamman, salah seorang penghuni neraka, diperintahkan Firaun untuk membunuh Masyita. Firaun memerintahkan patung lembu itu diletakkan di atas api sehingga panas menggelegak dan mengarahkan Masyitah dan ahli keluarganya dilontar seorang demi seorang. Pada waktu giliran bayinya hendak dimasukkan ke dalam lembu itu untuk direbus, Masyitah hampir mengaku kalah dan menyerah kepada kemahuan Firaun kerana terlalu sayangkan anaknya. Tetapi dengan kehendak Allah, berlaku kejadian luar biasa apabila bayi itu dengan fasih berkata: "Wahai ibuku! Teruskanlah dan jangan menyerah kalah, sesungguhnya engkau di atas (jalan) kebenaran."
Masyitah dan keluarganya mempertahankan keimanan mereka dengan mengatakan Allah Tuhan Yang Esa dan Firaun hanya manusia biasa. Lalu semuanya syahid dibunuh Firaun. Keberanian seorang wanita memperjuangkan kebenaran dan keimanan ini dirakam dan diingati setiap tahun oleh seluruh manusia melalui peristiwa Israk Mikraj. Semua ahli keluarga Masyitah mendapat balasan syuhada daripada Allah kerana mempertahankan akidah sehingga mati.
Dalam perjalanan itu, Baginda turut diperlihatkan 10 jenis seksaan yang menimpa wanita yang membuatkan Rasulullah SAW menangis setiap kali mengenangkannya.
Dalam perjalanan itu, antaranya Baginda diperlihatkan perempuan yang digantung dengan rambut dan otak di kepalanya mendidih. Mereka adalah perempuan yang tidak mahu melindungi rambutnya daripada dilihat lelaki lain.
Seksaan lain yang diperlihatkan Baginda ialah perempuan yang digantung dengan lidahnya dan tangannya dikeluarkan daripada punggung dan minyak panas dituangkan ke dalam kerongkongnya. Mereka adalah perempuan yang suka menyakiti hati suami dengan kata-katanya.
Baginda juga melihat bagaimana perempuan digantung buah dadanya dari arah punggung dan air pokok zakum dituang ke dalam kerongkongnya. Mereka adalah perempuan yang menyusui anak orang lain tanpa keizinan suaminya.
Ada pula perempuan diikat dua kakinya serta dua tangannya sampai ke ubun dan dibelit beberapa ular dan kala jengking. Mereka adalah perempuan yang boleh solat dan berpuasa tetapi tidak mahu mengerjakannya, tidak berwuduk dan tidak mahu mandi junub. Mereka sering keluar rumah tanpa mendapat izin suaminya terlebih dulu dan tidak mandi iaitu tidak bersuci selepas habis haid dan nifas.
Selain itu, Baginda melihat perempuan yang makan daging tubuhnya sendiri manakala di bawahnya ada api yang menyala. Mereka adalah perempuan yang berhias untuk dilihat lelaki lain dan suka menceritakan aib orang lain.
Baginda juga melihat perempuan yang memotong badannya sendiri dengan gunting dari neraka. Mereka adalah perempuan yang suka memasyhurkan diri sendiri supaya orang melihat akan perhiasannya.
Seksaan lain yang dilihat Baginda ialah perempuan yang kepalanya seperti kepala babi dan badannya pula seperti keldai. Mereka adalah perempuan yang suka mengadu domba dan sangat suka berdusta.
Ada pula perempuan yang Baginda nampak rupanya berbentuk anjing dan beberapa ular serta kala jengking masuk ke dalam mulutnya dan keluar melalui duburnya. Mereka adalah perempuan yang suka marah kepada suaminya dan
memfitnah orang lain.

Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Sodomy or No Sodomy???

I believe that is what the public want to know i.e. whether Saiful Bukhary was indeed sodomised by Anwar Ibrahim. We are not interested in the hanky panky on the matter. Push here, push there, accuse here, accuse there, deny here, deny there, statement here, statement there. We just want to know whether the AG is going to charge Anwar. That's all.
I mean the police have recorded statement from the "victim" and the "accused". The police have got the DNA of the "victim" as well as the DNA of the "accused" (in 1998). They have got the medical report. So, what are they waiting for? Don't tell me that our police is no longer efficient (after their efficiency in arresting Anwar Ibrahim a couple of weeks ago).
Allegation against Anwar should not be dealt with as if it is just another criminal case in Malaysia. There is element of "public interest" in this case. But I wonder what make the police take a "long" time to conclude their investigation or for the AG chambers to decide whether or not to charge Anwar.
On another note, I also wonder what happened to police's investigation against Karpal on his statement allegedly insulted the Sultan of Perak. After so long, there is no news on it. All the so-called Malay leaders who has lodged their police reports are now quiet. If at all they care about the Malays and our Sultans, I think the least they should do now is to ask the AG what happened to the case? It seems that the case that was at one time "urgent" are no longer "urgent".

Malaysia -v- Chelsea

Tonite, Malaysia will go all out against Chelsea. On paper and on pitch, off paper and off pitch, everything is working against us. Our football team is nowhere if we were to compare them with Chelsea. The value of anyone Chelsea player is worth more than our national team. Taking Frank Lampard for example, his new monthly salary (reportedly to be at £150,000.00 per week) alone is more than our players (jointly) annual salary (including the salary that is still outstanding).
Once in every few years, we have world class football team came to Malaysia and played against our national team. We have had the teams like Manchester United, Arsenal, England and even Brazil played against our national side. To the team like Man U, Arsenal and Chelsea, they are here more on promotion and marketing side as well as to warm up after taking a short break. But what do we get from all the matches that we have had against there great teams? Exposure? The word “exposure” is too synonym with our football team. After finishing all the matches in any tournament, without any convincing results, the management was fast to say that it was a good exposure. I think our football team has had too much exposure and yet, they are still unable to produce the result. Something is wrong somewhere and the local football fans (if any) realized what went wrong but not the FAM. FAM only knows to point finger to the players and especially the coach every time the team fails to produce the desired results.
How serious is our players for the match against Chelsea? I remember when Malaysia played against Man U, the Malaysian skipper, Ahmad Shahrul Azhar was seen running towards David Bekham, as soon as the referee blown the final whistle, to exchange jersey with him and the then team Manager, Ibrahim Saad was seen laughing while looking at the skipper. Perhaps, towards the final minutes, all Malaysian players were thinking of getting the jersey of certain players. During the match, our players were seen to be very humble as opposed to their opponents. Of course they (the opponent) are great players but once they (our player) are on the pitch, there is no more room to respect the opponent. When they gave too much respect to the opponents, they can’t play well (ooops, after all they do not play well even if they do not show respect to the opponents). I remember watching one Malaysian player who brought David Beckham down and instead of chasing the ball, he helped Beckham to stand up.
Tonite, according to Malaysia coach, Sathianathan (he was the national youth coach before being appointed to be the national coach by the President of FAM in the dressing room after the youth team recorded a good result, if I am not mistaken in the Merdeka Cup…now you know how FAM appoint their coach), the Malaysian team will use the format of 4-1-4-1, which means there will be only one striker with another four to assist him and one midfielder and four defenders. This is a new format for the Malaysian team who has been using the format of 4-4-2 and 4-2-4. The coach must have his own reason for using the new format. Looks interesting if the players can translate the formation into reality. But if the players play as they normally do, there is no need for the coach to have this formatting whether it is 4-4-2 or 4-2-4 or 4-5-1 or 4-1-4-1 because after 20 minutes, the Malaysian team will play 10-0-0.
Something needs to be done to revive our football team. I know what need to be done. You know what need to be done. Only the FAM does not know what need to be done because what need to be done is to get rid of the FAM management and replace them with the new professional management who is free from other commitment.

Monday, July 28, 2008

Who and What?

There is this arabic proverb that says: -
unzur ma qaala wala tanzur man qaala
which means "listen to what is being said and do not look at who said it".
I first came across this proverb in my early days in the secondary school and I find it very interesting. Such a short proverb but with a very powerful meaning. From then on, I am holding to this proverb and it really makes me feel good.
Whatever is being said to me, regardless of who say it, be it my bosses (non-work related), my colleagues, my siblings or my friends, I do not really take them for good without analyzing of what they said. If it is good to me, I will apply, otherwise I just leave it. That way, I am always being myself and do something that I really want to do and most importantly, I am not doing something for the sake of others. In another aspects, I can always improve myself in a lot of areas because I am sure that people do not mind telling what they think about me. If I were to look down at certain people, I am sure that this group of people will be reluctant to give me their advice or opinion. Who knows that their advice or opinion is the best!!!


Courtesy is defined as excellence of manners or social conduct, polite behaviour, a courteous, respectful or considerate act or expression.
I find it not too difficult to have courtesy in ourselves but there are just people out there who do not have courtesy or tend not to have courtesy in them. We do not have to fork out our money to show our courtesy. We do not even lose anything for our courtesy. So, why is it hard for some people to at least have the courtesy?
Last Saturday night, I went to Alamanda Putrajaya to have a dinner with my newly-wed friend (whose wedding I could not attend). If you ever went to Alamanda especially during weekends, you would know that it is difficult to get parking space at the lower level (of course if you go to the roof top level, there are a lot of empty spaces). So, while I drove around slowly to find the parking space to park my car, I saw this couple who had just walkout from their car. The driver forgot to switch-off the car light. So, I used my courtesy to just honk the driver (who, with his couple, was on the way to the entrance) to let him know about the lights on. Noticing my honk, he turned around and went back to his car to have the light switched-off without even looking at me. I would expect people with courtesy to at least look at me (for informing them) if not waiving at me as a sign of saying “thank you”. Unfortunately, this guy had no courtesy to do that when I had the courtesy to inform him. After that incident, I wonder if I should just drive away and let his car running out of battery.
There are a lot of other incidences where our drivers do not have courtesy such as driver does not acknowledge you when you give way to them (normally in kampung), driver does not give their signal to turn left when you are waiting at the junction to get into the main road.
So, do have courtesy in yourselves. Not only while you are on the road but anywhere and anytime. People are happy when you have the courtesy. What’s wrong with making people happy? Further, when you show your courtesy, it is also a sign that you respect others. People who do not have courtesy are RUDE!!!

Thursday, July 24, 2008

Why US is Busy Body?

US Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice urged Malaysia to be transparent and follow the rule of law in dealing with the sodomy accusation against Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim. She said "The United States has long spoken and will continue to speak up about cases that we think need to be thought about in terms of the political circumstances''. Read more.
My respond - Yeah! You are right Candy!!! Why don't you take a look at what US has done and is doing at the guantanamao detention camp? Why don't you revisit US' policy in West Asia? Why don't you tell the Israel to leave the Palastenian alone? What happened to Iraq nuclear weapon, which was the basis of your country's attack on Iraq a couple of years ago, which until now you can't find any evidence of its existence? What happened to Afghanistan? On what basis that you think the US has the supreme power over other countries especially Muslim contries?

To Condy, this is for you...enjoy!!!
8 Amazing Holes
These holes are not only amazing, but some of them are really terrifying - especially #8! The sheer scale of these holes reminds you of just how tiny you are. Look at one after another. Do not jumpt straight to #8.
Kimberly Big Hole, South Africa

Apparently the largest ever hand-dug excavation in the world,
this 1097 meter deep mine yielded over 3 tons of diamonds before being closed in 1914.
Glory Hole -Monticello Dam, California
This is the "Glory Hole" at Montecito dam, and it is the largest in the world of this type of spillway, its size enabling it to consume 14,400 cubic feet of water every second
Bingham Canyon Mine, Utah

This is supposedly the largest man-made excavation on earth. Extraction began in 1863 and still continues today, the pit increasing in size constantly. In its current state the hole is ¾ miles deep and 2.5 miles wide.
Great Blue Hole , Belize

This incredible geographical phenomenon known as ablue hole is situated 60 miles off the mainland of Belize ..There are numerous blue holes around the world,but none as stunning as this one.
Mirny Diamond Mine, Serbia
It's an absolute beast and holds the title of largestopen diamond mines in the world. At 525 metersdeep, with a top diameter of 1200 meters, there'seven a no-fly zone above the hole due to a fewhelicopters having been sucked in.
Diavik Mine, Canada
The mine is so huge and the area so remote that it has its own airport with a runway large enough to accommodate a Boeing 737. It looks equally cool when the surrounding water is frozen.
Sinkhole in Guatemala
These photos are of a sinkhole that occurred early this year in Guatemala . The hole swallowed a dozen homes and killed at least 3 people.
If those holes are not terrified enough for you, take a look at this...this one is very terrible...
A** Hole, White House, United States
This is the Famous A** HOLE that you all are probably familiar with. It is capable of throwing out tons of SH*T daily and it is not humanly possible to shut it up !!! Why is it the most terrible? Because it is the smallest in size but the most dangerous.

When Private Information Goes Public

I read this article in Today online, a Singapore newspaper and find it worth to share with all.
SHENZHEN native Feng Shixin is eight months pregnant. She was recently swamped each week with numerous text messages and telephone calls from people wanting to sell her baby powder, diapers and even a kindergarten enrolment for her as-yet-unborn child. “Some even asked if I needed a domestic helper during my confinement period and if I wanted to join a slimming centre,” Ms Feng recounted. She was not the only one whose personal information had been stolen and passed on to advertisers.
Some 40,000 other women had also fallen victim to a scandal that had set the bustling southern Chinese city abuzz. Last month, local media reported that information of pregnant women from 70 public hospitals, including their names, addresses, telephone numbers, examination dates and expected delivery dates were sold to advertisers. The information was reportedly sold for 12,000 yuan (S$2,352); in some cases even as high as 120,000 yuan ($23,529).
The Shenzhen health authorities had initially denied involvement, blaming the leaks on hackers. But they later admitted responsibility and pledged to put in place a security system that would ensure patient confidentiality. As Chinese advertisers become increasingly geared toward targeted advertising, the leakage of personal information has become a social scourge.
Besides new homeowners, car owners have not been spared either. As Beijing car owner Zhang Kai lamented: “Where did the insurance companies get my mobile phone number from? And how did they know that my policy was up for renewal?” Mr Zhang said that the culprit could either be the car seller, car workshop or even the local vehicle administration bureau. When Mr Zhang threatened to sue one of the car insurers who rang up, the insurer panicked and revealed that the information was bought from “information companies”, including other data such as the address of the car owner, licence plate, colour, make, and even the engine serial number of the car.
Indeed, a quick Internet search on popular Chinese search engine Baidu using the Chinese term for “sale of car owners’ information” generated over 227,000 hits. Each list can be bought for between 500 yuan and 2,500 yuan, One seller even boasted that he obtained his information from the local vehicle administration bureau. While most cases involving the use of personal data mainly revolved around enthusiastic sellers looking for buyers, some cases were downright criminal.
For instance, there were reports of luxury car owners who had received phone calls from callers who threatened harm unless they deposited large sums of money in temporary bank accounts. Some car owners fell for the trick as the callers not only knew their names and addresses, but also where they worked and even details of their family members. Other cases involved victims who received phone calls from their “mobile phone companies” who not only knew their addresses, but also birth dates and occupations. The victims were then instructed to turn off their mobile phones for a few hours to “assist in investigations”. When the phones were turned off, families of the victims would be told that their family members were involved in an accident and that money was urgently needed for treatment and hospitalisation. Some family members fell for the ruse, especially when they could not locate their “injured” family member.
Right now, China does not have laws ensuring personal data privacy. Currently, those who believe that their privacy had been violated can file lawsuits only if the violations resulted in any damage to their reputation. Legal experts, such as Liaoning University legal scholar Prof Shi Ying have called on China to introduce legislation on data protection. As Prof Shi pointed out: “When personal information has been divulged, who can the public turn to? And what kind of responsibility should be borne by affected departments? There are too many legal loopholes right now. Legislation simply cannot be delayed.” Clearly, legislation may not be enough, given the often unseen and shady forces at work. However, given rising public discontent with what many perceive as a nuisance and an intrusion into their private lives, legislation is at least a first step in the right direction.

That was what happened in China. What about us in Malaysia? I believe that most of us, if not all, have received at least one phone call from a stranger wanted to sell their products be it time sharing, vacation package, insurance products, credit cards subscription, colleges education, fitness club/gym and many others. Those I have mentioned are the type of phone calls that I received from my mobile number and I believe that there are a lot more type of phone calls people out there have received.
More often than not, these types of calls that we received annoy us. The caller, knowing very well that we do not know anything about them, may result in harassing us. At one time, I received a call from someone invited me to attend briefing for time sharing. The caller had in fact asked me personal questions such as my salary, my household income, and my dependants and even asked me to fax my salary slip. When I refused to divulge any of the information requested, the caller got annoyed with me and started to raise his voice. Excuse me! I should be the one who get annoyed and not him!!! Sometimes, I just say I am not interested.
The question is where did they get our telephone numbers? If anyone of you thinks that they just made random calls by just pressing any number, think about this – when they call you, they greet you with your name. Don’t you find it weird that they know your name, if at all they made random calls?
I believe that there are many irresponsible parties who might sell our personal information for their own monetary gain. A gain for them is a pain for us. We need to remember that our personal information is being kept by many parties, which is supposedly to be confidential. For example, the banks, the insurance company, car dealers, developers, government agencies, hospitals and clinics and many others, even our own company, they have our personal information. Though they should keep it confidential, there may be one or two of their employees who are not honest and doing “port time” job by selling our personal information. I believe that this thing happened. How much is the information worth, I have no idea but if you look at the price range in China, which is ranging from 12,000 yuan (RM5,409) to 120,000 yuan (RM54,116), I tell you what, it is damn a good business.
Whenever you receive calls like this, you can try asking them where did they get your telephone number but you will never get it. They will keep their source confidential. Funny right? They keep their source confidential but make our confidential information unconfidential.
I do not know whether the government is doing something about protecting personal confidential information, but if they don’t, I strongly urge the government to do something about it. There need to be a law that can force the party who has our confidential information to divulge their source. If nothing is done, there may be a lot more worst things can happen, which was highlighted in the article above like crime, etc, etc.
So, while pending the government to do something about it, my advise to you guys is not to entertain such a call. Suffice for you to say "I am not interested". Never ever say "sorry, I am not interested" because there is no reason for you to say sorry. They should be the one who say sorry to you for stealing your personal information. Do not ever try to prolong the conversation wanting to know what they have to offer, as more often than not, they are good in talking and marketing. The longer you are on the line with them, the higher your chances to fall into their trap. So, becareful.

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Difference Between http:// and https://

I received this from a friend through email and I find it important to share with everybody. Good info,
It's all about keeping you secure. HTTP stands for HyperText Transport Protocol, which is just a fancy way of saying it's a protocol (a language, in a manner of speaking) for information to be passed back and forth between web servers and clients. The important thing is the letter S which makes the difference between HTTP and HTTPS. The S (big surprise) stands for "Secure".
If you visit a website or webpage, and look at the address in the web browser, it will likely begin with the following: http://. This means that the website is talking to your browser using the regular 'unsecure' language. In other words, it is possible for someone to "eavesdrop" on your computer's conversation with the website. If you fill out a form on the website, someone might see the information you send to that site. This is why you never, ever, ever, should enter your credit card info in an http website!
But if the web address begins with https://, that basically means your computer is talking to the website in a secure code that no one can eavesdrop on. You understand why this is so important, right? If a website ever asks you to enter your credit card information, you should automatically look to see if the web address begins with https://. If it doesn't, there's no way you're going to enter sensitive information like a credit card info!
You know what? Upon receipt of the email, I quickly went into AirAsia's website and It is so true that as you type, it appeared http:// (without "s") but when I wanted to make the payment, it is https://.
So guys, do care to check the web address and always ensure the presence of the letter "s)" at the end of the http

Azhar Ibrahim-The Sore Loser

For those who do not know who is Azhar Ibrahim, he is seen in the photo above wearing blue shirt standing quite in the middle. Next question is why do I say that he is a sore loser when he won his state seat in the last general election? The answer is very simple.
After the March 08 general election, which brought the then opposition (now the ruling party) into power and ousted the then ruling party (now the opposition) from power in Penang, the new Chief Minister, among others had announced the plan to replace the New Economic Plan, which was supposed to benefit the Malays with the new scheme. Azhar Ibrahim, being a sore loser together with few other UMNO leaders, which include the like of former deputy Chief Minister Abdul Rashid Abdullah, Kepala Batas Umno Youth deputy chief Reezal Merican Naina Merican, Bukit Mertajam Umno division chief Senator Musa Sheikh Fadzir, Tanjung Umno division chief Ahmad Ibnihajar and former Penanti assemblyman Abdul Jalil Abdul Majid and others protested against the remarks made by the new CM. They took their protest to the streets around Komtar. (Well, the report says that it was a street protest rather than "demonstration" as normally used to describe the street protest by the opposition). Do not be surprise, none of the UMNO big fish were arrested for illegal assembly. It shows that UMNO gib fish is above the law. Well, I described their action in organising the street protest, as they called it, as childish and do not walk the talk. They used to condemn the opposition everytime there was a street protest but when they feel the heat, they do the same.
Post general election, Azhar Ibrahim, being a sore loser had again tried very hard to be the hero (or perhaps he is the unsung hero) when he said that the state Umno will “persuade” the Federal Government to scrap all the mega projects in the state in view of the people’s clear rejection of Barisan Nasional. He was damn emotional and childish in that sense. He thought that only Barisan nasional can bring progress to the country. He forgot everything happen is with Allah's will. He was happy to see the penangites suffering for their rejection of BN. Though he said it was not a form of retaliation, it is obviously so. Only people with shallow minded like Azhar Ibrahim do not see it as a form of retaliation. Or perhaps he was suggesting that people should suffer if they reject BN. Is this what we call our leaders? Is this what we call our fighters?
If the above two (I believe there more other examples to show that Azhar Ibrahim is a sore loser) is not enough, in his debate on the motion of thanks on the Yang di-Pertua Negri Tun Abdul Rahman Abbas’s speech, he has accused the state government of embezzling the people's money of RM30million. In fact when I read the news report, I was a bit shock. Azhar Ibrahim must have something concrete for him to make the accusation. It was a serious accusation but then they have the privilege in the Dewan to say as they wish, as that whatever they said can't be used against them. But as I read further, what he meant by the "embezzle" was the state government's action after the election to write off all the fines issued by the local council prior to the general election. Perhaps Azhar Ibrahim does not know what word to use to describe the state government's action. Embezzle is when you take someone else's property and in thise case, the state government obviously did not take any single sen from the people's money. What they did was that they did not collect. Did not collect and take money is obviously two different things. If someone mentally retarded is thinking that way, I can understand, but Azhar Ibrahim? Another thing that puzzled me was that this is the first seating for the state assembly after the March 08 election, which means Azhar Ibrahim and the gang have roughly about four months to attack the present administration and I am sure that there are a lot of other things happening in Penang that they may raise in the state assembly. Unfortunately, Azhar Ibrahim, the opposition leader in Penang chose to ask really unuseful question. Only useless people ask unuseful question.
He said, “The state says that it is trying to save money by flying economy class and implementing austerity measures but it is actually embezzling the people’s money by not collecting the illegal hawking and parking compounds issued before March 8". I strongly advise Azhar Ibrahim to do a thorough homework before asking any question or before even open his big mouth. If what the state government did was wrong, what about discount given by the police on traffic offences? Do not forget that Si Bedol used to be a Home Minister (PDRM is under Home Minister) and that time the police used to give discount on traffic offences. So, what about that, Azhar Ibrahim? Do not ask something that may backfire you. In the end, siapa yang malu? Azhar In=brahaim dan konco-konconya.
Perhaps, there are nothing to complaint agaisnt the present administration. That as why Azhar Ibrahim was running out of idea and had to ask stupid question. Remember, our opposition, be it at the state level of federal level are not "working" together with the ruling party to help the people but rather they are there to criticise whatever action taken by the ruling party, whether it is good or otherwise.

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

What is marketing?

I received this from a friend's email and find it hillarious. Thought of sharing with you guys.
1. You see a gorgeous girl at a party. You go up to her and say: "I am very rich. Marry me!" - That's Direct Marketing
2. You're at a party with a bunch of friends and see a gorgeous girl. One of your friends goes up to her and pointing at you says: "He's very rich. Marry him." - That's Advertising
3. You see a gorgeous girl at a party. You go up to her and get her telephone number. The next day, you call and say: "Hi, I'm very rich. Marry me" - That's Telemarketing
4. You're at a party and see gorgeous girl. You get up and straighten your tie, you walk up to her and pour her a drink, you open the door (of the car) for her, pick up her bag after she drops it, offer her ride and then say: "By the way, I'm rich. Will you Marry Me?" - That's Public Relations
5. You're at a party and see gorgeous girl. She walks up to you and says: "You are very rich! Can you marry Me?" - That's Brand Recognition
6. You see a gorgeous girl at a party. You go up to her and say: "I am very rich. Marry me!" She gives you a nice hard slap on your face. - That's Customer Feedback
7. You see a gorgeous girl at a party. You go up to her and say: "I am very rich. Marry me!" and she introduces you to her husband. - That's demand and supply gap
8. You see a gorgeous girl at a party. You go up to her and before you say anything, another person come and tell her: "I'm rich. Will you marry me?" and she goes with him - That's competition eating into your market share
9. You see a gorgeous girl at a party. You go up to her and before you say: "I'm rich, Marry me!" your wife arrives. - That's restriction for entering new markets

Monday, July 21, 2008

PM Has Met with Top PAS Leaders

"The meetings are at the initial stage. There is no need to give other details as you will make all sorts of speculation," Abdullah told reporters after the launch of the National Cooperative Day here yesterday (verbatimly as reported by The Star online).
I laud and welcome such a move. I have thought about this after the March 08 election and in fact I have written about it. Whether it is at the initial stage or later stage, it is still a positive move. And again, I agree with si Bedol.
But, having said that, I think si Bedol will always be a Bedol. I find it funny when he said “There is no need to give other details as you will make all sorts of speculation”. How can a PM expects people not to speculate when he gives us rooms to speculate?

To si Bedol, if you do not want people to speculate, then give details. You do not have to give the full details but sufficed with just the main issues discussed. Or if you intend not to divulge any information at the moment, then do no talk about speculation. You could just say, “I will not release any detail at this juncture” and full stop. People will speculate when they know something is going on but they do not have the information. For example, when people knew that election was just around the corner, so long as you do not tell them when you were going to dissolve the Parliament, people will speculate about it. They will only stop speculating when you gave them the date. The same thing goes, for example, recently when it was first reported that a DG of government department was detained for corruption. People would speculate because there were so many DGs in Malaysia but everything was put to rest when a day later, it was made it clear that it was the DG of Immigration.
So, to si Bedol, what you have in mind was the other way around. People will not speculate when you given them the information (and not like what you thought).

Sunday, July 20, 2008

No Datuk and No Tan Sri.

It was reported today in The Star online that there will be no award conferred in conjunction with the Sultan of Terengganu's birthday. It is said that this is the first time in the country where there is no awards conferred during a Sultan's birthday.
I think this is a very positive development in conferring awards and title to individuals. It really means that awards and titles are not given just for the sake of giving but it is given based on merit. It also shows that it is not mandatory that awards and titles need to be given during every birthday celebration of the Sultans.
I do believe that those people who are craving for Datukship or Tan Sriship or whatever ship there is during the Sultan of Terengganu's birthday will be disappointed.
Often we heard news report that link Datuks and Tan Sris with crime. You must be familiar with reports that says for e.g. seorang ahli perniagaan berpangkat Datuk dipercayai menjadi dalang dalam kegiatan jenayah tersebut or something like that. It is also true like a say that goes like this, "If you throw stones towards a crowd in Malaysia, at least one of the stones will hit a Datuk.
I do not really know what are the criteria used for the conferment of titles to individuals but logically speaking, I think that the individuals must have made a great contribution to the country or at least the state for them to be conferred with the title. However, does every Datuk/Dato' in Malaysia has at least contributed something great to the country/state? I leave it for you to answer.
Remember at one point of time (many years ago) when there was an issue of people buying the title? They just need to fork our a few thousand RM to get the title. Not bad huh!!! Well, definitely when I talked about contribution earlier on, I do not mean this type of "contribution".
But have you ever thought why do some people really craving for the title? To me the answer is pretty simple. They want power. They want respect and they want privileges. This is because they thought that when they are a Datuk, they should be given prority. They sholud get the advantage. They should get whatever the ordinary people can't have. To top it all, they want the VIP status. By then, they have the licence to make people waiting for them to officiate a function, among others. Sounds familiar?
But to certain extent, I do not really blame them. We, as the ordinary people are partly to be blamed because more often than not, we give them a higher status than us. Sometimes we do hear people say, "don't mess around with him, he is a Datuk" or "his father is a Datuk" or "I need to see the Datuk to get some "help"".
To me if you are a Datuk or Tan Sri, so what??? You are just a human being just like me. You still need to do your "business" in the toilet just like me. You still need to eat just like me. You walk just like me. You don't make a great contribution to the country/state just like me. So, why the hell that I need to give my respect to you when there is difference between you and me? The only difference that I can think of is that I don't bluff but you do.
Unfortunately, they forget one thing i.e. when they die, they leave behind their titles. They leave behind their Awards. When they die, they are just a mere hamba Allah (Allah's slave). The titles that they have could have given them a lot of advantages in the world but definitely it does not work that way in the hereafter. In the eyes of Allah, Allah only looks at the good deeds (exclusion to donations made with a condition of publicity) and our faith towards Him during our life time. Nothing more and nothing less.
But having said that, I am not saying that all Datuks or Tan Sris are like that. There are still good Datuks and Tan Sris out there who get their title when they really deserve it. I am not really against all the Datuks and Tan Sris but most of them really make me sick.

Friday, July 18, 2008

Peace of Mind

I received an email from a friend and I think it is good to share with you guys. Actually there was a very nice caricature in the email but I can't save it as a photo. So, sorry guys, unable to share it with you. But continue reading, ok!
If you were to ask your neighbor, 'What would give you peace of mind?' he might tell you "A vacation in Bermuda!" or "an extra thousand dollars would give me peace!" or "a new Ferrari would make me contented!"
But going places and getting stuff is usually a temporary solution...Peace of mind rarely comes from getting more stuff. Getting more stuff usually leads to wanting even more stuff!
Peace of mind starts with being grateful for what we have right now.

When we are thankful for what we have, for the friends we have, and for the things we've got, we attract more good people and good things!
People who always complain about what they DON'T HAVE, stay stuck. Complainers attract more things to complain about! It is a law of life. It's hard to explain, but you can observe it around you. We get more of what we dwell upon. That's why all the spiritual masters have taught the same lesson i.e. "start by being thankful. Be happy with what you have now, and more will come your way." It's practical advice. Every time you say a silent 'thank you' you become more peaceful – and more power.
The End.
This is so true. In fact I have posted two articles related to this topic in my previous posting entitled "Syukur and Kufur" and Istidraj".
Click here

Thursday, July 17, 2008

Treat Anwar With Respect, says Najib

The title of this post is actually the title in TheStar online. Reading the title made me feel, ok, at least Najib's statement make sense. Whether it is for political reason or sincerely came from him, that is different issue. The title really made me wanted to read through the news report but not until I reached this passage: -
On why Anwar was arrested an hour before he was to report himself to the police, Najib said the police had already explained this.
"Does it make so much difference, another half an hour, 45 minutes?", he asked.
No wonder the deputy home minister gave stupid answer yesterday. And do you realise that this Najib is our next PM (at least for now)?

Right Operation at The Wrong Place and The Wrong Time (Police's Efficiency)

Police set up few road blocks in few places in KL this morning and according to City police chief, "the roadblocks were part of its operations".
What sort of operation was that? What was so urgent for the police to set up the road blocks? Can't they do it some other time or at some other places. If at all, you want to do road blocks as part of your "operation" do not do it during peak hours and if our policemen do not know when is the peak hours in KL, it is the time when people are going to work and when they go back home.
I do not see any logic for the police to set up road blocks in the morning when people are going to work. They do not use their common sense, unless it is so urgent and they have a very strong reason, which they do not want to share with the public. Well, that's their fault if the public have their own perception on the road blocks. As if the massive traffic jam on Monday morning was not enough to see the people's suffering.

Imam Hadhari said...

This statement came from none others than the Imam Hadhari...this is the words of Muslim fighter...think about it...
The wordings in the red box read as: -
Asked about the growing number of religious disputes dominating news headlines, the Prime Minister proposed that Muslim who wants to convert to other faiths should be allowed to do so.
"This is not something that cannot be done. For those who don't want to be Muslims anymore, what can you do? If they want to leave the religion, what are you going to do? You might as well let them go"

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Anwar was Arrested in Advance

What has happened to our police force? All of a sudden and out of blue, they became damn bl**dy efficient? They gave Anwar Ibrahim until 2pm to be present at the city police HQ today to have his statement recorded but this poor chap was arrested at 12.55pm. That was 65 minutes early man!!!
According to the deputy home minister (no brain minister and I believe a good friend of Nazri Aziz), the arrest was made in anticipation that Anwar would not be able to make it to the city police HQ by 2pm. So, based on that bl**dy reason, the police decided to "fetch" and "escort" Anwar to the police HQ. And you know what? Our policemen did a damn bl**dy good job!!! They managed to reach the city police HQ at 1.15pm and that was 45 minutes early. Clap! Clap! Clap! Well done!!!
And you know what??? Just after they made a damn bl**dy "good" job in escorting Anwar, the police failed to keep their words. The recording of the statement should have taken place at 2pm. The time was set by the police. But they started to record Anwar's statement only at 2.50pm!!! So, what the fuss that the deputy home minister was worried that Anwar could not make it on time when it was the police who were late? The recording was made 50 mintues late than the scheduled time and that means Anwar had to wait at the city police HQ for 95 minutes.
To me, if at all the police needs to arrest Anwar, do it at 2:00:01pm. By then if Anwar still do not turn up, then by all means, they can arrest him. But you do not do it in advance. That damn bl**dy idiot deputy home minister (who I think have learnt a lot from Nazri Aziz), when asked to justify police action in arresting Anwar prior to 2.00pm said that "what is the difference between 20 minutes and 50 minutes?" My goodness!!! What sort of deputy minister that we have? The difference is 30 minutes la...why la you so stupid??? If that is the question asked by the deputy minister, let me ask him this question. Why didn't you arrest him last night at 8.00pm (so that he would not be able to appear on tv). What is the difference between today and yesterday? But to me that is besides the point. The point is keep your words. If you have a date at 2.00pm at Lake Garden, do not blame your partner for not being at the Lake Garden at 1.30pm simply because you arrived there at 1.30pm. And for this, even a primary school children knows about it.

Datuk Ahmad Basri Akil Passed Away

Datuk Ahmad Basri Akil (picture), former Kedah state Secretary, former Kedah Football Team Manager and former FAM Vice President passed away peacefully at the Sultanah Bahiyah Hospital in Alor Star yesterday. He was on his way to attend the launch of special stamps to commemorate the golden jubilee of the Sultan Kedah’s reign here. He was found leaning against the wall clutching his chest by driver Hamid Nahar at about 2.15pm yesterday while walking to the Istana Anak Bukit audience hall.
Allahyarham Datuk Ahmad Basri is best known for success formula in making the Kedah football team to be one of the best team around in the nation while he was the Team Manager. Kedah players during his reign as the Manager was Radhi Mat Din and Ahmad Sobro, to name a few.
He was also known for his outspoken in criticising the FAM and I remember at one time he was suspended by FAM for criticising the FAM leadership openly, a quality which does not exist in most, if not all, of the FAM leaders.
His demise is a big lost to the nation especially football.

Innalillahi wa inna ilahi raaji'un (from Him [Allah] we come and to Him [Allah] we return)
So, let us donate surah Al-Faatihah for Allahyarham Datuk Ahmad Basri Akil.
Alhamdulillahi rabbil 'aalamiin
Arrahmanir rahiim
Maaliki yaumiddiin
Iyyaakana' budu waiyyaakanasta'iin
Ihdinassiratal mustaqiim
Siraatallazhi na an 'am ta 'alaihiim
Ghairil maghdhuu bi 'alaihim

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Corruption is Everywhere

In response to the recent corruption case surronding the Immigration involving its DG and Deputy DG, Si Bedol said that "arrest shows that even big fish can be caught". Yes, for the first time or may be not the first time but definitely first time after a long time that I agree with si Bedol. But then, I asked myself a question-Is this for real? Or is it just a political gimmick? Forgive me for being skeptical. All for reason.
When si Bedol took over the premiership from Tun Mahathir, he said he would fight corruption. He said there were about eighty high profile corruption cases that would be brought to justice. But until now, only two cases that I can remember of. One of it is the case involving Eric Chia and the other case is Kasitah Gadam. Well, Eric Chia was released in the end and Kasitah Gadam's case is still being heard in KL High Court. (Even then, there was a slight deviation of people's attention when Yong Teck Lee was investigated as a result of statement made by witness in Kasitah Gadam's case. Conincidentally, the investigation was made soon after Yong Teck Lee's party i.e SAPP annoucened that they would be tabling motion of no confidence against si Bedol). The question is what happened to the other seventy over high profile corruption cases?
When si Bedol took over as the Prime Minister, he did make few surprise visits to the government departments. And that was it. After that, no more. Well, I am not saying that as a PM, si Bedol needs to keep on visiting the government department to do spot check as he has a lot of other important things to do, but why did he do that (surprise visit) during his early days as a PM? To me if you want to do something, do it continuously. I mean, on and off, go and do surprise visit. If he could do it then, why can't he do it now?
More often than not, nowadays, we hear this fellow said that I have evidence of wrongdoing against this person and that fellow has evidence of wrongdoing against this person. Look at Ezam. When he was with PKR, he was arrested and detained under OSA, as he alleged that he had the secrets of few ministers (of course we are talking about their bad deeds). He was put behind bars for that. He had every opportunity to disclose the "secrets" when he was with the government but he chose not to do so. Anwar Ibrahim said that he has eveidence against Najib but where is it? Why does he needs to keep those evidence and bring it out piece by piece. And now Ezam said that he has evidence against Anwar. What is this? Come on!!! If you really have those evidences, for the sake of the people that you said you are fighting for (i.e. you and me), disclose it, so that justice could be served. Do not use it as a lethal weapon and for your own political interest? Are they suggesting that a crime is not a crime if they got what they want but it will become a crime if they do not get what they want? These are all rubbish!!!
Now, coming back to the corruption issue, I do hope that this time around, the government is damn serious in fighting the corruption at all level. No one should be spared. I do hope that this Immigration corruption scandal is not one of the "lethal weapon", as described above and used for one's political interest. If you want to do it, do it for the nation. Do it for justice. Go and do thorough checking at all government departments and any other agencies where public has interest in them. I believe that they will find more corruption cases.
On or about the same time the immigration corruption scandal made known to the public, there was another shock revelation made in Gemas police station when a policeman has lodged a report against all his colleagues including his superiors allegedly over dissatisfaction on how the monthly bribes from those operating illegal activities was being distributed. In retaliation, one of his superiors, a sergeant, lodged another police report against the policeman, a lance corporal, for allegedly selling station property to scrap dealers. So now, the whole world knows that all policemen in Gemas police station involve in corruption. Do you guys surprised? A little bit for me.
I must say that this corruption scandal in Immigration Department and the one in Gemas police station have served to confirm my belief that corruption is everywhere in government.
Last but not least, I quote again what si Bedol said that "arrest shows that even big fish can be caught". While it is good to catch the big fish, it is better to catch the bigger fish. I am sure you guys know what I mean.
p/s: Don't those UMNO fellows scared about Ezam? For all they know, after joining UMNO back, Ezam may have more secrets (the one fresh from oven) and it may be used against them in the future just as what Ezam did when he was in PKR (against UMNO) and now he is back in UMNO (against Anwar and PKR). This guy is very dangerous. If there are Ezam and a snake in front of you, I am sure you know which one to kill first, right?

Sunday, July 13, 2008

The Idiots Speak Nonsense-The Unquotable Quotes

said about the transition of power to Najib in 2010

“I am glad that the transition plan has been well-received so far. I hope what we do will be for the good of the people and country,”

Comment: Perhaps he (Bedol) has not read about people crticising his transition plan. Forgive him if you can.

said about possibility of MIC delegates move a no confidence motion against him.

“If you all move and pass the resolution, I will walk out of the party,”

Comment: You idiot Samy!!! Of course you have to walk out of the party when people passed no confidence resolution against you. Don't you get it??? Never ever threat people as if you are indespensable.

said about his achievement as a PM of Malaysia

I'm used to making history that leaders before me had not achieved. The 2004 general election was the best but the 2008 result was the worst which no leader before me had achieved,”

Comment: He must be kidding. He was "proud" of achieving the worst result ever among all the PMs. Was it pre-planned?

said about BN's dismal performance in the 12th General Election.

"if Malaysians could change their attitude, repeating the historical 2004 general election results was possible".

Comment: He is still sleeping. That is why he keeps on "blaming" the voters for BN's dismal performance. Can somebody please tell him (Bedol) that it is the BN so-called leaders that need to change their attitude. Do not be arrogant.

said about why he chose Najib as his successor

"I chose Najib to be my successor because I am confident that he will be able to lead the party well,"

Comment: Come on Bedol!!! The whole world know that you picked Najib becuase he is your deputy. You have not much choice. If you picked someone else, Najib might be contesting for President post in December and you might lose.

said on his feeling to step down as a PM

"I feel a bit of sadness of course but nothing more than that because I feel more a sense of achievement. I feel I have taken an action which has been well accepted and that is what we want."

Comment: Achieve through sleeping??? Amazing right?

said about his feeling after being picked to be the next PM

Deeply touched.

Comment: Yeah. You are right, Najib. By the way, can the glass show you what is going to happen in 2010?

said after being picked to be the next PM

“I feel even more (touched) when Yang Amat Berhormat has given me the confidence.

Comment: Of course they have to have confidence in you even if they don't. Well, you know the spirit in BN. It is all about what you have to rather than what you want to.

said about what BN reps know best

“We (Barisan Nasional elected representatives) will concentrate on what we know best, that is to serve the people,”

Comment: Yu are right Nazri. You guys know the best and that was why you guys performed badly in the 12th general election.

said about double standard

“But if they (security guards) cannot control (MPs), then don’t practise double standards. I don’t allow double standards to happen in the House,”

Comment: Hahahahaha!!!! This must be the best joke of it all...hahahahaha!!!

Thursday, July 10, 2008

Banks Agree to Restructure Housing Loan Payments

I do not believe it. I took a staff loan when I was with this biggest bank in Malaysia. The interest rate for staff housing loan was 3.5% for 21 years. After I resigned end of last year, they charged my interest of 10.75% with the same loan tenure i.e. 21 years. I wrote to them requesting them to restructure my loan by either reduce the interest rate or prolong the tenure to 30 years. I knwo it was a term in my loan agreement that ahould I resigned from the Bank, the interest rate will be BLR+4%. Yes, I know they are following the terms and conditions stipulated in the loan agreement but what I asked for was for them to use their discretion to reduce it to the normal rate enjoyed by normal borrowers, which they could do if they want to.
Unfortunately, my application to restructure my loan was declined without giving any reason but I was also told that they may consder my application in the future. That was in December last year.
2 weeks ago, I made an inquiry about my loan and the person who assisted my was surprised to learn that my interest rate is so high and that she would do something about it. She told me that she would brought up my case to the management for their consideration. Unfortunatey, for the second time, the Bank declined my request for no reason.
And now Nor Mohamad Yaacop said that Banks have agreed to restructure housing loans. Should I believe it? Well, I do not think that Nor Mohamad Yaakop has the power to force the Banks to restructure the housing loans. The best thing he can do is to give them a piece of advice. It is up to the Bank to decide. The Banks' agreement means nothing.

Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Lewd and Obscene Gesture by Bung Mokhtar (Part 2)

In response (not to my blog) to the dispute over his hand gesture, Bung Mokhtar has denied that he had made any lewd gesture as he said that he had merely slapped the back of his left hand with his right palm. ANd the best part is that he said (in his own words), "I don’t know what the interpretation of this is. I don’t feel I did anything wrong". Hahahahaha!!!!!!!! Then why did he make that gesture. For the benefit of those who did not watch the live telecast yesterday, let me tell you that Bung Mokhtar made that gesture after he was called "stupid" by opposition MPs. Now he is really proving himself a stupid by trying to justify or rather escape from his wrongdoing by making up story, which he himself is unable to explain.

Bung Mokhtar seen in this picture trying hard to b*lls**t on his lewd gesture

(Picture from Star online)

Click here to read the news

Right Way to Shake Hand

If you have a dream of becoming a politician in Malaysia especally within UMNO, I have a peice of advice. Very basic thing that you need to know is how to shake hand with your leaders. Read further...

This way of shaking hand only applicable to politicians...hehehe

1. Bend your body up to 90 degrees;
2. Hold the leader's hand with both your palms;
3. Tilt your head a bit to get a better feel; and
4. Kiss the leader's hand with your lips by prolonging your lips by 1 inch

His (man with the red neck tie) future is bright (so long as Najib remains in power).

Lewd and Obscene Gesture by Bung Mokhtar

Yesterday, for the first time I watched the live telecast of Parliament sitting on RTM1. It was not a full sitting as a lot of seats were empty. I wonder where were those MPs who are supposed to be in the Parliament. Late coming? Perhaps. But it is not the corum that I want to share with you but a lewd and obscene gesture made by Bung Mokhtar. I am sure by now everybody knows who Bung Mokhtar is. For those who does not know him, sufficed to me to say that he is one of the BN three stooges in the previous term (the other two were Jasin MP, Md Said and Sri Gading MP, Aziz). Bung Mokhtar is a disgraced to the MPs. If you watch him "debating" (well, I must say that Bung Mokhtar does not really debating but more towards arguing) in Parliament, as a Malaysian citizen, you would be ashamed because what and how our MPs behave reflect us the Malaysians. He talked nonsense and only nonsense and for being nonsense, he is now the deputy chairman of the BBC. Can you beat that? Don't you think that it is nonsense?
So, yesterday, as usual, RTM1 showed half an hour live telecast of the Parliament sitting. It started at 10.00am and ended at 10.32am (my time). Towards the end of the live telecast, there was an argument between Bung Mokhtar and an opposition MP. It seems that Bung Mokhtar had the last say by making lewd and obscene gesture to the opposition MP because the live telecast was ended abruptly the moment Bung Mokhtar made the gesture. I am very sure that RTM will not make this an issue unless the gesture was made by opposition MPs.
The lewd and obscene gesture that Bung Mokhtar made was exactly the same as the photo shown below by Adnan Yaakob. Amazingly, it is a photo of another BN leader. Am I right to conclude that BN leaders are prone to making lewd and obscene gestures?

To watch the video of Adnan Yaakob, click here

Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Overlook or Simply Dumb?