It is About Sharing

Knowledge is for sharing. Do not keep your knowledge to yourself alone. Let it grows. The more you share, the more you learn and in the end you become a better person.


Tuesday, October 28, 2008


I was in Bandung, Indonesia with my family from 20-23 October 2008. I bought airaisa goholiday package, which was very cheap. I spent only RM1,300++ to cover for my hotel accommodation and return flight for me, my wife and my two little kids. Bandung is a shopping heaven. I brought around Rp4,600,000.00 (which was equivalent to RM1.500.00) and that was not enough because there were so many things to buy at a cheap price. I have a lot to share from shopping, the people, the road, the food, the interesting place and the traffic but not at the moment. I will do that later.

1 comment:

Ayasu Kuro-Obi said...

Banyak beli...please write some more re hotel & your journey.