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Monday, August 10, 2009

You Sue Me, I Sue You

I must say that I read with disgust the report in Mingguan Malaysia entitled "Tengoklah berapa ratus juta pula Anwar mahu saman" ("Let's see how many hundred million Anwar wants to sue").

In the news report, the Johor UMNO was reported to have said that they will be organising a realy big gathering in the near future of which they believe that tons of thousand of UMNO members will take part in the gathering. The gathering is to be held solely for the purpose of shouting the word "traitor" to Anwar Ibrahim and they want to see how many hundres of millions Anwar wants to sue them.

I believe this stupid idea of UMNO Johor was in response to Anwar's legal cation against Muhyiddin Yassin whereby the former threatened to sue the latter of RM100 million for saying that Anwar is a traitor.

This is a further evidence of the level of mentality of mentally retarded politicians that we are having at the moment. While the government does not encourage gathering of large scale at the moment in an attempt to curb the spread of A(H1N1), the UMNO Johor on the other hand was planning to have this gathering, which I do not see its benefit to any party in any manner whatsoever. Not only that, it will be a total waste of money and time. I believe that a lot of money will be spent unnecessarily during this useless gathering oragnised by a bunch of brainless people. The money that thes bunch of idiots are willing to spentcan be channeled for a much better purpose. The time they are going to spent for the gathering can be used for a much beter purpose.

As for myself, I do not disagree with Muhyiddin but seriously this stupid idea by a bunch of idiot people is totally not a need at all..


ajako said...

Yeah, "you say something, I call my people to hold a rally to impeace you." vice versa. M'sia has become so politically matured ever since. A big question mark to ponder I guess...

Rozaimi Bin Mohd Said said...

ajak, maka akhirnya haruskah kita mebiarkan siluncai terju bersama labu2nya? rakyat sedang menghadai dugaan A(H1N1) but our politicians are busy talking and doing nonsense

Anonymous said...

while other pursuing knowledge and advancement in technology... malay will always do what they are best at... "brag"

famous say say like "takkan melayu hilang di dunia" is famous just becoz of that... "brag"

If Muhyiddin condone such "brainless" gathering.. then it shows how smart he is..


Anonymous said...

hanya ahli politik yang faham bagaimana perjalanan politik. sebagai pemerhati kita tidak dapat memahami asam garam dunia politik...
hidup umno!!

Rozaimi Bin Mohd Said said...

politik bukan hanya untuk ahli-ahli politik semata-mata. Ia untuk semua. Menjadi ahli politik bukanlah lesen untuk bertindak diluar kewarasan akal. Menjadi ahli politik tidak bermakna mereka boleh menunjukkan contoh yang tidak baik kepada masyarakat umum. Menjadi ahli politik tidak bermakna mereka boleh memberi gelaran kepada lawan mereka sesuka hati. Mereka ini adalah pemimpin, atau sekurang-kurangnya bercita-cita untuk menjadi pemimpin. Segala tindak tanduk dan tingkah laku mereka diperhatikan masyarakat umum. Jika mereka tidak dapat memberikan satu conoh tauladan yang baik kepada masyarakat umum untuk dicontohi, maka mereka ini tidak layak berpolitik. Jangan sampai jadi ketam yang mengajar anaknya berjalan lurus sedangkan ia sendiri berjalan senget. Dan politik itu bukanlah milik ahli2 politik sahaja.