Friday, December 26, 2008
Silent is the Better Option
The Prophet pbuh said in his hadith: “Man kaana yu’minu billahi wal yaumil aakhir falyaqul khairan au liyasmut: which means, “those among you who believe in Allah and the day of hereafter, they need to say good things or they just need to keep quiet”.
Nowadays, there are a lot of people who like to talk and discuss openly on the subject matter that they are not really familiar with and I am referring herein to Islam.
It is very scary to read articles or postings by those who are not familiar with Islamic subject matter as these people tend to liberalise Islam according to their own understanding. Sometimes they talk nonsense when they talk about Islam. This is simply because they do not have in depth knowledge on the subject matter. The subject matter here refers to the method a fatwa is reached at and not the yoga.
All these happen because they fail to see yoga from Islamic point of view and what they did was to see the fatwa from yoga point of view. What I mean here is if they look at yoga from Islamic point of view, they will find elements in yoga that may cause syirik and pluralism i.e. to associate Allah with something. However, when they look at the fatwa from yoga point of view, they will find that yoga is a just a form of exercise which may be good to our body and boost our spirit and Islam does promote healthy life style. So, there is nothing wrong with yoga and everything is wrong with the fatwa. But one thing they may forget or tend to forget is that the end does not justify the means.
So, my advice is if you do not familiar with Islamic subject matter, it is best for you to keep quiet and keep your mouth shut.
Nowadays, there are a lot of people who like to talk and discuss openly on the subject matter that they are not really familiar with and I am referring herein to Islam.
It is very scary to read articles or postings by those who are not familiar with Islamic subject matter as these people tend to liberalise Islam according to their own understanding. Sometimes they talk nonsense when they talk about Islam. This is simply because they do not have in depth knowledge on the subject matter. The subject matter here refers to the method a fatwa is reached at and not the yoga.
All these happen because they fail to see yoga from Islamic point of view and what they did was to see the fatwa from yoga point of view. What I mean here is if they look at yoga from Islamic point of view, they will find elements in yoga that may cause syirik and pluralism i.e. to associate Allah with something. However, when they look at the fatwa from yoga point of view, they will find that yoga is a just a form of exercise which may be good to our body and boost our spirit and Islam does promote healthy life style. So, there is nothing wrong with yoga and everything is wrong with the fatwa. But one thing they may forget or tend to forget is that the end does not justify the means.
So, my advice is if you do not familiar with Islamic subject matter, it is best for you to keep quiet and keep your mouth shut.
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Adat dalam diskusi ilmu ni banyak. Paling kurang pun kalau dalam berkaitan agama, cakap la dulu dengan Ustaz yang berwibawa.
Hamka pernah bertanya, zaman ikut Islam atau Islam ikut zaman? Ni dulu2 saya pernah dengar....
Ustaz ni pun macam2. Sesetengah di ustaz saya sendiri kritik, masih "hidup" dalam Kitab2 kuning. Maksudnya dia nak umat Islam ni kembali ke masa silam sedangkan apa yang umat Islam perlukan ialah membawa masuk Islam dari kitab2 ini dan memberikan ia peranan dalam dunia sekarang. Jadi last ketinggalan dan tak mendapat tempat dalam masyarakat.
Islam sepatutnya menjadi satu agama yang universal dan perlu bergerak selari dengan peredaran masa dengan syarat asas-asas Islam itu sendiri tidak diketepikan. Maksudnya, walau hidup di zaman serba moden, kita masih perlu untuk menjadikan Islam itu sebagai pegangan dan benchmark. Islam tidak sepatutnya menjadi satu agama yang kaku dan tidak bergerak. Jika tidak ia akan dilihat sebagai satu agama yang obsolete.
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